
Random Picture of the Week #2 – The Baker Hotel

Random Picture of the Week #2 – The Baker Hotel

This week’s random image was taken on a road trip to Mineral Wells, Texas back in June 2013. My wife and I took a road trip from Anna, Texas to Mineral Wells, Texas. For one of our trips we visited the abandoned Baker Hotel. Although I haven’t posted recent pictures from that part of the(…)

Abandoned Delinted Cottonseed Mill in Farmersville Texas

Abandoned Delinted Cottonseed Mill in Farmersville Texas

In Farmersville, just east of town there is an abandoned mill off State Highway 380. If you aren’t looking for it you might just miss it. Since the property was abandoned and cleaned up it has been sitting abandoned since 1984. At some point the property was cleaned up in the 2000s and is considered(…)
