Photography News

570+ Photographers to Follow on Google Plus

570+ Photographers to Follow on Google Plus

A few weeks ago I posted a list of 450+ Photographers to follow on Google Plus. This week, I found another great list of followers. This circle of photographers was created by Robert Scoble and it has over 577 photographers. Since Google limits the number of people in a circle you can share, the lists(…)

My New to Me Camera

My New to Me Camera

A few months ago I inherited a bunch of old cameras mostly non working brownie boxes and a camera that you can get film for anymore. So all will go on display with the rest of my camera collection. But one of the cameras was a Super Richoflex that my grandfather purchased while stationed in(…)

450+ Photographers to Follow on Google Plus

450+ Photographers to Follow on Google Plus

Earlier this week Google Plus made it possible to share friend circles. Because of this new feature, everyone is sharing their groups. On the first day of release, people were sharing so much it was almost like spam. But it has slowed down a lot and I did find a lot of great people to(…)