At the Grocery Store

Well it’s end of the week and I am finally getting over being sick. I am not really sure if I was sick, but I did have a migraine for the last three days so I spent most of my time sleeping and watching TV in the dark. Sadly, I exhausted so I couldn’t get much work done on the computer or even think about taking pictures when I had to leave the house.

On Friday I went to the doctor even though I was feeling better. It was time for my yearly check up and he could tell me if I was sick or if it was just bad migraine. Of course, the doctor had no answers.

After the Doctor’s Appointment

After the appointment, I decided to go the grocery store and get some much needed groceries for the weekend. While shopping, I stopped by the beer and wine section. This store has a great selection of imports and micro brews that I almost always find something else to try. But even when I’m not looking for something extra for the weekend, I love going through the department just to check out what they have and look at the labels, there are so many great labels and advertisements to catch the shopper’s eye.

I Actually Remembered to Bring my Camera In the Store!

While in the store, I took some quick pictures with the Canon PowerShot SD960 IS and edited them in Adobe Lightroom 3 and Photoshop CS4. at the grocery store

With this image, I edited in Adobe Lightroom 3 and did some more processing to boost the colors of the labels. at the grocery store

In this image, I cleaned up the image in Lightroom, and finished up the processing with Photoshop by adding a vignette and boosting the reds and blues to create vintage look to the image.

at the grocery store

And finally with this image, I followed the same process with the first image. I processed with Lightroom and used Photoshop to boost the colors to give the labels more of a pop.

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James spends most of his free time using social media and loves to teach others about design, web development, CSS, SEO, and social media. He is addicted to Wordpress, social media, and technology. You can find him his business website , Evolutionary Designs Blog or his or his personal site, personal site Do not forget to follow him on Twitter @element321