Spring is Early This Year–Part II

Last week I spoke about how spring came early for us this year. Now I really know its spring. Its spring because when you drive down the highways, roads, and parks you can see all the all the wild flowers that the cities and counties let grow wild during the spring season. O and you see all the traveling carnivals are setting up in the strip malls around town.

I normally do not go to these little carnivals but they do remind me of the county and state fairs that my parents and grandparents use to take me to when I was a kid. I always like the rides and how everything was lit up with fun colors and lights.

As an adult, I am not all that interested going to these carnivals unless its the State Fair of Texas or the Garland Fourth of July Event they hold every year.  But, while out shopping last weekend, I came across one of these carnivals and decided to try and take a couple of pictures. I tried a few shoot from the hip shots and few regular shots. But since I only had the point-in-shoot camera, only one picture came out ok.  The image was processed with Adobe Light Room 3.

Ferris Wheel

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James spends most of his free time using social media and loves to teach others about design, web development, CSS, SEO, and social media. He is addicted to Wordpress, social media, and technology. You can find him his business website , Evolutionary Designs Blog or his or his personal site, personal site Do not forget to follow him on Twitter @element321