Random Picture of the Week #5 – Moss Covered Log

This week’s random picture was taken during a tour of a plantation home in Natchez, Mississippi during some time off last week. Although this trip was to morn the lose of my 94 year old grandmother and spend time with family that that I haven’t seen in years, my wife and I had to visit some historical sites.

Moss Covered Log Found on the Longwood Plantation

About the Image

As mentioned above, I found this moss cover log on the Longwood Plantation property during our plantation tour. I came across this log just after the tour walking down the gravel road to the old carriage house. I found it laying against the road as barrier so vehicles and pedestrians would accidently leave the road and crash down the slope.

To Learn more about this house and its history, check out the article I wrote on my personal blog.

After looking at this log and the amount of moss growing on it, I realized that this log has been here a while. It may not have been in its current position for more than a decade or so, but its been on the property for a while.

As for the image, I took the shot with my Sony Nex-3N with the pancake kit lens, then processed it with Adobe Lightroom and post processed the image with Topaz Labs Clarity to add more texture and contrast.

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James spends most of his free time using social media and loves to teach others about design, web development, CSS, SEO, and social media. He is addicted to Wordpress, social media, and technology. You can find him his business website , Evolutionary Designs Blog or his or his personal site, personal site Do not forget to follow him on Twitter @element321