Premium Themes, Styles and Customizing WordPress

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WordPress premium themes are designed around the idea of transforming WordPress into a content management system and making it easy enough to change a website that the site owners don’t have to hire programmers every time they want something done. WordPress is currently one of the most popular options for content management systems and, as enhancements to that platform, premium WordPress themes are offered by professional design firms that make it easier for people to customize their sites.


Premium themes offer a great deal of flexibility in some cases and, in others, are designed to satisfy one particular niche of the market looking for web design. For example, themes designed to be used as tools by professional designers typically come with a great many options; far too many for the average user to ever take advantage of. On the other hand, themes designed for end-users tend to be simpler in terms of their options and, oftentimes, they are designed to provide a specific type of site in a turnkey package. Examples would be minimalist themes that are intended for business users, warm themes that are intended for personal bloggers and portfolio themes that are intended for visual artists.Premium WordPress Themes

Professional themes, among their other options, typically allow the user to change the style of the theme with which they’re working. The style is controlled via CSS, an easy to understand web language that allows designers to apply an overall look to a site from one centralized file. In premium WordPress themes, this capacity is exploited by offering several different styles that the user can choose from, generally by selecting from a drop-down or checkbox menu.

Different theme styles can do many different things. In some cases, they merely change the typography, though the typography is oftentimes offered as a separate option in premium WordPress themes. In other cases, applying a different theme will radically change the color scheme of a site, the typography, the background image and other elements.Premium WordPress Themes

The flexibility in terms of altering the style of the site on professional themes sometimes extends to being able to add very complicated elements very quickly and easily. For example, premium WordPress themes will oftentimes allow you to choose from different types of image sliders or gallery presentations and making those choices is no more complex than selecting a menu option.

User Friendliness

Premium WordPress themes are generally designed with user-friendliness in mind. These themes are oftentimes chosen as content management system enhancements by businesses because professional themes tend to be provided with support. The combination of being able to get support for the features on the theme and the fact that there’s somebody accountable if some aspect of the theme proves not to work correctly both make these acceptable choices for businesses.Premium WordPress Themes

For web designers, themes are sometimes available under commercial licenses that allow them to be used as development tools. These themes are user friendly in the sense that they are intended to provide designers with as many options as they could possibly want for a specific type of site. A photography site, for example, may not only have a couple of different gallery layout options, as it would in a simpler theme, but may also have a choice of different lightbox technologies, scripting effects, page layouts and so forth.

Styles are generally applied from the theme options menu. If you’re familiar with the WordPress platform, you shouldn’t have any real trouble figuring out how to use these control panel features. Their simple by design and, at the same time, they streamline the process of making very complex changes and preserve the integrity of the code, an important consideration for search engine optimization.

About author

Olga Ionel is a creative writer at She is passionate by WordPress, SEO and Blogging. Don’t forget to check out stunning WordPress premium themes. runs on the Genesis Framework

Genesis Framework

Genesis empowers you to quickly and easily build incredible websites with WordPress. Whether you're a novice or advanced developer, Genesis provides the secure and search-engine-optimized foundation that takes WordPress to places you never thought it could go. It's that simple - start using Genesis now!

Take advantage of the 6 default layout options, comprehensive SEO settings, rock-solid security, flexible theme options, cool custom widgets, custom design hooks, and a huge selection of child themes ("skins") that make your site look the way you want it to. With automatic theme updates and world-class support included, Genesis is the smart choice for your WordPress website or blog.

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