How to Start your Fashion Blog

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How To Start a Fashion BlogYou have an impressive fashion sense. People ask you about the latest fashion trends. You have a keen eye for ‘what goes with what’ and know exactly what makes an outfit good, great, or simply a disaster. In short, fashion is something that comes naturally to you, and your fashion advice is sought and considered extremely valuable. Do you know what you should do instead of just using your talent to help a friend or two? You should start your very own fashion blog!

Here is some good news too; blogging especially fashion blogging is the big thing these days! While there is a lot of competition (most people are trying their hands at it), the majority is not doing it right enough to generate a sizable income. However, you don’t have to be in that majority if you are passionate about fashion, have some great ideas hidden up your sleeves, and know the key to ‘successful’ blogging. The latter is where you might be in need of some help and where most people actually fail to make an impact. Therefore, here is a detailed guide on how you can cater to a broader audience, earn cash, and create an exciting blog with booming traffic.

1. Selecting your blogging platform

Your first step as a fashion blogger will be to choose an appropriate platform. What you want is a capable content management system or CMS. A CSM allows you to control the function and appearance of your blog without you having to learn the complexities behind its designing and programming. Being customizable, a right CMS gives the users a lot of room for creativity, making it easier to work with blogs and websites.

Although there are a number of CSMs out there, you should look for an option where you can create and manage the content of your blog in a secure and user-friendly manner. Therefore, you are left with only a few choices such as Joomla, Drupal, and WordPress.

Among these, WordPress is indeed the most popular and trustworthy choice. It is available around the globe without any restrictions and in a number of languages. You can create a dynamic and professional blog with WordPress right according to your needs.

2. Choosing your Domain Name

All websites have names, which we use to call them by and access them on the internet. With a www behind these names and a .com at their end, they form an address called URL. Your blog site must have a unique URL as well, and you need to ensure that it is the best one you can have. This is the Domain name of your blog and here are a few tips you can use to come up with a good one.

  • Go for a short one. You want something that is easy to remember and is catchy. It can be witty to grab attention, but nevertheless, it must be short. A long name will not only be harder to recall, but it will also be challenging to enter the address into the search bar.
  • Be Specific. If you already have a famous trademark name in the fashion market, then it is excellent, and you must use it as your domain name. However, if it is not the case, then stick to something relevant. Your domain name should indicate your blog topic for it to appear in the search results.
  • Make it about you. You can use your name if your name is already out there as a favorite fashion adviser. This will give it a unique personal touch to your URL as well your blog. Although if you are a new player, for now, stick to the nature of your business when devising a domain name. Put a small intro of yourself and aim at the blog instead.

3. Designing your Blog

The design of your blog matters too, but it does not mean you use a fancy design or a lot of colors. A good blog design makes it easier for the visitor to read the content and navigate through the site. If you can get the help of a web designer without unbalancing your budget, then go for it. However, you can always do it yourself. In case web lingos such as HTML and CSS are not your forte, then use the template offered by your blog platform. Then there are always the premade templates to choose from.

Lastly, keep in mind that even if the design is important to some extent, it is the content of your blog that will bring the visitors again and again so focus there!

4. Start Blogging

Here comes the real deal; the content of your blog. Your fashion blog is a means for you to express your fashion sense and you need to be creative with that. Since there are hoards of fashion blogs out there already, you need to bring a unique angle to the table. There is no need to fret over how you will be able to achieve that because you are unique so just be yourself!

Rattling about all the new trends in the market will not help your cause because people can find it in any fashion magazine. Add your flavor to those trends and blend your color in them. Keep at it, and the fashionistas will love you!

The Content of your Blog

Starting a fashion blog is not half as laborious as maintaining, managing, and continuing to update it would be. Therefore, you need to have fresh content on your blog on a regular basis. After all, when it comes to blogging, irrespective of the industry, content is king! However, you can be creative with what you put on your blog. You can write about the dos and don’ts of a particular trend or how to get a celebrity look while staying on a budget.

You don’t always have to write a post because you can create one too. For example how about using infographics? You can throw in fashion photography in the deal and post some beautiful photos on your blog. This is sure to catch the attention of your readers since a picture is worth a thousand words.

Other exciting fashion blogging ideas include covering your own fashion tips. You can post a picture of your own ensemble and discuss it in details. Always remember to give your audience a chance to ‘talk’ their thoughts with you. Ask them to give their opinion in the comment section. This will pave the way for interaction, which is the best way to keep the traffic coming.

5. Promoting your Blog

You have launched the blog and are updating it regularly. Yet, you are still not satisfied because there is not enough traffic. Here is the final step to complete your blogging ritual; let the world know about your lovely effort.

Now we are not suggesting you go about emailing, texting, or in other words, simply begging for likes and follows via blogosphere tactic. Instead, reach out to the fashion community in a more indirect way. Look for other fashion bloggers and appreciate their work. You can comment on their blogs and be genuine when praising their qualities. Tell them what inspires you in their work, and soon you will be making your way in the fashion blogger’s community.

Also, use other media to bring traffic to your blog. Use Facebook, Twitter, and Tumblr to promote your posts among friends and family. When you are a fashion blogger, Instagram is indeed your best friend. After all, it is about posting outfit photos as well, and you will find lots of interested audience on Instagram. The point is to be as much visible to your target audience as possible. Therefore, you need to make your presence felt on all the popular media to attract followers and get your style sense to the world at large.

Follow the above rules and rule the world of fashion blogging. Remember that at the end of the day, it is about your passions and your love for fashion. Happy Blogging!

Note: This article was written by a guest writer and Evolutionary Designs may or may not agree with what is written. Please contact us if you have any questions about the writer or if you want to guest write for us.

Author Bio:

Sohail Rupani is a senior digital marketing strategist at PNC Digital, a Florida based digital marketing agency. He specializes in SEO and SEM techniques. He is passionate about technology and loves to analyze the tech industry in his spare time and stay in touch with the latest happenings. He also writes technical articles about SEO and digital marketing. Follow @sohailrupani for more updates. runs on the Genesis Framework

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About Guest Author

This article was written by a guest writer and Evolutionary Designs may or may not agree with what is written. Please contact us if you have any questions about the writer or if you want to guest write for us.

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