Using Yummilicious to Create a WordPress Restaurant Website

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Being in the food industry can be fun & exciting. But running and managing a restaurant can be a serious challenge. People are increasingly searching the net for newer places to try food. Having a restaurant website can give you a huge exposure and help you get discovered by thousands of food-loving people. All these people are definitely going to look at your website before they decide to try your food. So you can now see how your restaurant website can generate a lot of business for you.

Using Yummilicious to Create a WordPress Restaurant Website

But creating a restaurant website from scratch can be intimidating. While WordPress is the natural choice for creating the website, picking a theme can pose a problem.

Since the restaurant business operates in an entirely different way, a corporate or a generic theme will not do justice to a restaurant website. You need a theme that’s designed specifically for you.

Whether you own a fine-dining restaurant or a peppy street-side cafe – Getting your hands on a mouth-watering WordPress theme that offers various useful functions & quality options is the first step.

In this post, I’ll walk you through the process of creating a full restaurant website with Yummilicious by WPEka Club. Yummilicious is a refreshing new restaurant theme. It includes a reservation email system so that your customers can book a reservation from the comfort of their homes.

Here’s a step-by-step guide tosetup Yummilicious theme by WPEka Club:

After activating the Yummilicious theme on your site please following steps.

Step 1 : Create the relevant pages using the templates in theme

Create Contact Us, Gallery, Menu, Our Story & Reservations pages with the Contact Form, Gallery, Menu Card, Our Story, & Reservation Page template respectively.

Here’s an example :

Using Yummilicious to Create a WordPress Restaurant Website


Here’s a preview :

Using Yummilicious to Create a WordPress Restaurant Website


Step 2 : Create the posts for pages

Add posts for Yummilicious Event, Yummilicious Gallery & Yummilicious Reservation by creating posts & specifying category as Yummilicious Event, Yummilicious Gallery & Yummilicious Reservation respectively. Don’t forget to add a featured image, description to the posts.

For example :

Using Yummilicious to Create a WordPress Restaurant Website


Here’s a quick preview of the Reservations page :

Using Yummilicious to Create a WordPress Restaurant Website


Yummilicious has its own email reservation system that can be configured & managed from the backend. Simply go to the WordPress Dashborad -> Yummilicous theme -> Other Options tab for the settings & WordPress Dashborad -> Yummilicous Theme -> Reservation for managing the reservations.

Step 3 : Create menu categories & menu items for the Menu page

The menu categories & menu items can be added by navigating to the WordPress Dashboard – > Yummilicious Menu Items. You can add categories like breakfast, lunch, dinner etc. from Yummilicious Menu Items -> Yummilicious Menus. And add the menu items into these categories from WordPress Dashborad -> Yummilicious Menu Items.

For instance :

Using Yummilicious to Create a WordPress Restaurant Website


This would look like the following:

Using Yummilicious to Create a WordPress Restaurant Website


Add as many menu items as you want for your menu.

Step 3 : Setting up the Yummilicious theme

Navigate to WordPress Dashboard -> Yummilicous Theme -> Theme Options for setting all the options of the theme.

Some features of Yummilicious :
  • Responsive – Looks beautiful on all devices
  • Comes with an email reservation system for reserving tables online
  • Supports numerous menu categories
  • Option to add numerous food menus
  • Supports unlimited food items
  • Comes integrated with all the leading social media platforms
  • Includes 5 theme widgets
  • Integrated with MailChimp to grow your mailing list through the Contact page
  • Has a special provision for featuring food items
  • Ability to create special offers and showcase them
  • An exclusive Chef’s area to put them in the spotlight
  • A fantastic Image slider for weaving a personal business story
      Congratulations!!! You just created your restaurant website. Entice your customers by offering them a sneak-peek into your cafe/restaurant before they even land on your doorstep.

Yummilicious theme is part of the WPEka Club which is a your go-to store for premium WordPress products (28 WordPress Themes & 47 WordPress Plugins). A new product gets released every week. Sign up now. runs on the Genesis Framework

Genesis Framework

Genesis empowers you to quickly and easily build incredible websites with WordPress. Whether you're a novice or advanced developer, Genesis provides the secure and search-engine-optimized foundation that takes WordPress to places you never thought it could go. It's that simple - start using Genesis now!

Take advantage of the 6 default layout options, comprehensive SEO settings, rock-solid security, flexible theme options, cool custom widgets, custom design hooks, and a huge selection of child themes ("skins") that make your site look the way you want it to. With automatic theme updates and world-class support included, Genesis is the smart choice for your WordPress website or blog.

About James

James spends most of his free time using social media and loves to teach others about design, web development, CSS, SEO, and social media. He is addicted to Wordpress, social media, and technology. You can reach him on his, personal website, Do not forget to follow him on Twitter @element321

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