Why Not Use Facebook To Promote Your Bling Business?

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Even though the world is still in the grips of a pretty severe financial recession, there are many people who love to look their best when they go out. And this usually means wearing some seriously stylish clothes all garnished with wicked jeweler. Gold and diamonds are still a great investment option and both antique and modern jeweler are right up there with them. If you are involved in this area of business and wish to push your concerns a little harder, why not consider using Facebook as your vehicle of choice? With over half a billion active users, it is an immense social media platform with a huge untapped potential for selling your merchandise. It is not exactly straightforward and there is a certain etiquette to follow if you desire maximum results, but if you can adhere to these, your possibilities are almost limitless. If this direction appeals to any jeweler professionals out there, please read the remainder of this article for some insider tips that will certainly get you on the right track!Why Not Use Facebook To Promote Your Bling Business?

Image Source: Social Network Structure

Slowly, Slowly, Catch The Public

Before you start your promotional offensive you may want to think things through properly. The huge business concerns do not really use Facebook as an advertising medium, and why is that? Well, they do not have the time to play the long game, and that is why smaller businesses can take advantage of this huge advertising niche. Facebook users do not really appreciate having a product or service rammed down their throat. Larger companies are constantly in a race against time with similar companies, they will lose huge amounts if a rival firm gets their product or service out before them. So you need to act slowly if you wish to woo the half billion or so potential clients in Facebook-land.

Facebook Fan Page

For the purposes of this article, we will assume that you already have a healthy Facebook profile with plenty of online friends. The next step is to create a Facebook Fan Page, and this is very easy and will separate your business from your personal concerns. The fan page is an excellent tool for reaching out to people that you wouldn’t usually interact with on a personal level and Facebook has developed this feature in an excellent way! Once you have created the fan page you can make it a little more eye catching and personal. You can name it after your business concern or simply use a title that alludes to your professional interest. Think of an attractive profile picture and also a nice cover photo will work wonders.

Take Your Time

It’s worth mentioning a second time that in order to achieve your objectives, you should plan everything and move cautiously at first. If you overload the public and move too quickly, it will be near impossible to have a second chance. List your goals and ensure that they are realistically achievable. It is a good idea to write down your plans and check them out on a daily basis. You can look at similar fan pages and see what type of base they have and how they started. It is simply to page back to the day these pages actually begun.

Increase Your Fan Base

Once you are happy that your fan page looks the part, you can start to invite people to come and have a look. There is a handy feature that allows you to invite friends and associate to ‘like’ your page. If they enjoy what they see and click on the ‘like’ button, they will become linked to your fan page. They will receive updates from that point and will be able to view and comment on your status updates. You can also send invites out to your email contacts via the same tool. Just remember to lay it cool and avoid any harassment, especially in the first month.

Be Creative

Once you have a small following your objective is to really entertain them and ensure they remain interested. The best way to do this is by writing interesting articles and actively involving your fans. You can also upload some videos and photos that relate to your jewelry concerns. If you are stuck for ideas, remember to look at similar fan pages and blogs for some inspiration.

Interaction Matters

If you have a fan base of about 100 people, remember that each of these individuals probably has between one to three hundred friends on Facebook. Just imagine the potential with these numbers! Encourage your fans to share your fan page and offer them an incentive. Something along the lines of a small discount from your store in return for ten referrals. People love something for nothing and this way ensures that your fan base will soon grow.

Wrap Up

If you follow this route, you will certainly make your jewelry business far more visible and as a result you should start to increase your revenue. Just remember to start slowly and follow these steps as your progress – Good Luck!

This article was written by a guest writer and Evolutionary Designs may or may not agree with what is written. Please contact us if you have any questions about the writer or if you want to guest write for us.

Author Bio

This post has been contributed by Ryan Hall, an employee at Lior Diamonds, which is a diamond dealer store in Chicago. Painting and decorating his own space are a few of his favorite things to do. Visit http://www.liordiamonds.com/ for more information.

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This article was written by a guest writer and Evolutionary Designs may or may not agree with what is written. Please contact us if you have any questions about the writer or if you want to guest write for us.

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