5 Reasons Why You Should Make Your Site Responsive As Soon As Possible

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The online world changes every day and it’s up to webmasters to keep up-to-date with everything that is going on. Failure to do so could result in your website becoming a shadow of its former self. One of the new becoming very popular at the moment is responsive web design. Its main aim is to make the surfing experience of mobile users a lot more pleasurable. People will be looking at your site on their phone or tablet and you can’t forget that. We’re going to look at some compelling reasons why you should make your site responsive as soon as possible.

Tablets and Mobiles are Huge

5 Reasons Why You Should Make Your Site Responsive As Soon As Possible

Unless you’ve been hiding under a rock for the last few years you’re probably aware that tablets and mobile phones are outselling desktop computers. It’s only going to be a matter of time before they’re very advanced and when someone wants to look online they will do it using their mobile device. Go and look at your analytics right now and you’ll see the percentage of traffic that are looking at your site through a mobile device at the moment. You must cater to them or they won’t come back. Image Source: Latitude 10 Tablet

It’s a Waste of Money

All those people are going to be looking at your site right now from their iPad or Galaxy S4. You will have something for sale and people need to be able to buy it. If they can’t even read your site without hurting their eyes it’s unlikely they will bother to get their credit card out. Maybe you will only lose 5% of your sales at the moment, but eventually that number will keep getting bigger and bigger. It’s not worth losing any money and that is why you should make the change right now.

It will Keep Your True Fans Happy

You will obviously have hardcore fans who love reading everything you write. They will read your articles on their desktop computer when they are at home, but they will also read them when they’re sitting on the bus with their mobile phone. You want them to be happy and they won’t be if your site isn’t responsive. Over the course of a few months they might start to get fed up when reading your site and eventually they won’t come back.

It’s Not Hard to Do

Making your site responsive isn’t the most difficult thing to do in the world. It’s definitely not easy, but it will be well worth the effort considering it’s something you must do. If you use a blogging platform like WordPress you will discover that a lot of their themes are already responsive. You could also hire a developer to make your site responsive and if you’re already making decent money it will pay for itself.

Google will Love You

Google is like every other website on the Internet. It wants to look after its visitors and if your site is responsive it means you are trying to look after Google’s visitors too. It also means your entire site will be under the same URL and it will have the same pages as it normally would. If you decided to build a proper mobile site it would make everything a lot more complicated. Google is someone you don’t want to mess with because your rankings are so important.

Don’t Leave it too Late

You know what is going to happen, so don’t try to fight it. You could also be losing money right now because people surfing on mobile devices don’t want to buy anything. Go away and think about it, but you will finally realize a responsive design is more or less essential if you want to keep progressing.

This article was written by a guest writer and Evolutionary Designs may or may not agree with what is written. Please contact us if you have any questions about the writer or if you want to guest write for us.

Guest Author

Today’s feature contributor, Kevin Flintoff, is a frequent blogger and works as a web developer at Antelope Web, a website design company in Connecticut. His technical knowledge and an eye for detail are easily visible through his blog posts.

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About Guest Author

This article was written by a guest writer and Evolutionary Designs may or may not agree with what is written. Please contact us if you have any questions about the writer or if you want to guest write for us.

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