5 Instances When You Should Forget About A Particular Keyword

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You’ve just seen a keyword you want to rank for, but how do you know it’s going to be worth it? Lots of people pick random keywords and spend a long time trying to reach the number one spot and once they get there they realize nothing has changed. Their website is getting a little more traffic, but in the grand scheme of things it was a waste of time. Let’s take a closer look at when you should forget about certain keywords because they’re not good enough.

The Competition is too Tough

5 Instances When You Should Forget About A Particular Keyword There is nothing wrong with targeting competitive keywords, but it’s a long-term strategy and you don’t want to focus all your efforts on them. When you are starting out you want to see quick results because it will give you the motivation to keep going. Keywords with a lot of competition might take you years to rank for and I’m pretty sure you will give up long before then. Leave them for the moment and concentrate on ones you will rank for more easily. Image Source: track meet race racing macro closeup turf legs

Nobody is Searching for it

You might try to rank for a keyword that is worthless because there aren’t enough people searching for it every month. You can try to rank for a keyword that 200 people are searching for if there isn’t much competition, but don’t waste your time trying to rank for a keyword that won’t make any difference to your earnings. Remember to make sure you’re looking for exact-match searches or you might be in for a horrible surprise somewhere down the line.

It Won’t Make You any Money

5 Instances When You Should Forget About A Particular Keyword Certain keywords will make you money because people will be typing them in with the intention of buying something. There are definitely keywords you want to rank for even though they might not get a lot of searches per month. You still know everyone who lands on your site will be a potential customer. You can go after non-buyer keywords because some people might still buy something from you, but they shouldn’t be the ones you focus your energy on. Image source: american bank banknotes bills business cash

It’s Unrelated to Your Niche

If you do a lot of keyword research you will discover little gems all the time. They might be easy to rank for and you will drive lots of traffic to your site, but they will be unrelated to your niche. You can’t force someone to buy red ski boots if they want to buy blue moon boots. You might have to let those keywords go because you will get traffic to your site, but it’s only going to mess up your bounce rate when everyone leaves straight away.

You Might be too Late

Certain keywords will become very popular for a few months before suddenly disappearing again. Special events are a good example of this because once an event is over people won’t be searching for it anymore. If you want to try and rank for a keyword you should make sure you have enough time to reach the number one spot otherwise you will have wasted a lot of time for nothing. When the big players are targeting a special event they usually start months or years in advance.

Don’t Waste Your Time5 Instances When You Should Forget About A Particular Keyword

You already know SEO is a tedious process and you won’t see results overnight. You have to work really hard to achieve good rankings and it would be a shame if it was all for nothing. From now on you should think very carefully before you target a specific keyword because you don’t want to waste your time. Not when you can be concentrating on the ones that are going to bring you great results. Image Source: clock time euro money currency dollar bill

This article was written by a guest writer and Evolutionary Designs may or may not agree with what is written. Please contact us if you have any questions about the writer or if you want to guest write for us.

Guest Author:

Today’s guest author, John Miller, is an SEO executive at WebFirm, an SEO company based in Australia. He is a fun loving person. He enjoys listening to music in his spare time.

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About Guest Author

This article was written by a guest writer and Evolutionary Designs may or may not agree with what is written. Please contact us if you have any questions about the writer or if you want to guest write for us.


  1. Hello and thanks for sharing.

    I really like the part about nobody searching for it. Haha. Yeah been there myself. Got #1 spot without much traffic. Total waste (time and effort).

    Nonetheless, thanks for the time writing up.


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