5 Small Differences That Can Ruin All Your All Your SEO Efforts

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There is a good way and a bad way to do everything, but for some reason when most people start carrying out SEO on their website they choose the bad way. The good way will work and you will get the results you deserve. The good way will cement your top spot in the rankings for lots of different keywords and you will have an endless stream of traffic that visit your site and buy your products.

The bad way means you will get no results, or if you do they will be so small that they’re not even worth patting yourself on the back over. You will end up working yourself so hard that your only option is to throw in the towel. Do you know why you’re doing it the wrong way? The differences can be tiny and we’re going to look at them right now so you can change your ways.

Press releases

Anyone can write a press release and pay to submit it to a big site. They will then turn around and send it to a lot of people, but if it’s crap it just means nobody is going to publish it. Your chance of getting thousands of backlinks is flushed down the toilet and this is usually because you’ve not researched how to write one the right way which would only have taken a few hours to learn.

Forum posting

5 Small Differences That Can Ruin All Your All Your SEO Efforts

When you become a respectable member of any community the people will look up to you. When you start posting backlinks to your site they won’t mind because you’re one of them. They will even click through to your site and become a reader. If you just sign up to forums to spam them you will end up with zero backlinks after your account is terminated.

Blog commenting

People still read comments and it’s a very good way to drive targeted traffic to your blog, but that is only if you do it the right way. If you’re just saying you enjoyed the article and leaving a backlink to your site it will be ignored, or more likely deleted. If you can expand on the article in your comment you will be able to leave a backlink because you have provided value.

Guest posting

Aim for big blogs because those are the ones where you get the great backlinks, unlike the brand new blogs that don’t hold any authority and offer you worthless backlinks. It’s not always so black and white because they could eventually become popular, but you’re better spending your time reaching out to bigger blogs if it’s possible. You can always start small and work your way up.

YouTube videos

The biggest mistake everyone makes is not hyperlinking to their website underneath their videos and that is closely followed by producing garbage. People think uploading hundreds of videos is going to bring them great results even though each video might get viewed twice per month. Concentrate on uploading great videos and the number will increase into the thousands. Image Source: Flickr

Author Bio:

Today’s guest post is contributed by Ben Kirtsen. He is an independent SEO and has worked on some top notch projects for corporate biggies. His advice to budding SEO’s is to not fall prey to the black hat tactics and end up getting a unnatural link warning. He is an ardent blogger and gives valuable tips in his articles about SEO practices.

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About Guest Author

This article was written by a guest writer and Evolutionary Designs may or may not agree with what is written. Please contact us if you have any questions about the writer or if you want to guest write for us.

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