Weekly Mash UP #39: Topics in App Design/Development, Business Advice, Blogging Advice, Development, Freelance Advice, and SEO

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It’s the start of a new week and its Christmas week! So if you are like me, you have a lot on your plate this week. For me, I have been so busy, I had to cut on the amount of time I spent online all together. So for this week, I plan on taking it easy and spending time with the family.

For this week’s Mash Up, I decided share a few more great articles than the normal amount of articles that the Mash Up normally has.  I have collected a great collection of community news articles and all listed in our Weekly Mash Up. So check out these great articles and let us know what you think.

This week’s Mash Up has some great articles in app design/development, business advice, blogging advice, development, freelance advice, and SEO.

The Mash Up

Take a look at the articles and tell us what you think of them. If you want your articles featured on our Mash Up, start commenting, sharing articles and talking with me on Twitter, Google+, and Facebook. The more I know about you and your website, the better chance I have of finding you on the web. Another, great for us to noticing you and getting your article listed here, is by using the community news submit option.

App Design and Development

Design Mistakes We Made in Our iPhone App – Six Revisions


“What FreshBooks, a company that’s been around for 10 years, got wrong when designing their first iPhone app (and what they did to fix them).”

Business Advice

Solve A Problem. Preferably Yours – Daily Blog Tips


Most people don’t start a business (be it a brick and mortar business, an online app or even a website/blog) because they can’t find the right idea to pursue. They think about it regularly (i.e., about starting something), but no …”

Here’s Why Being Technical Helps, A Lot – Daily Blog Tips


“A couple of months ago I wrote an articled titled Do You Need to be a Programmer to Found a Startup?. My main point was that, despite not being strictly essential, having a technical background helps A LOT if you want to found a tech company (be it a website like Digg or an app like Instagram). “

Blogging Advice

How To Emotionally Connect With Your Readers – Daily Blog Tips


“In this post I want to take unique spin on blog posts, and give you some simple tips that will give you a new and powerful way to supercharge anything you write, and really leave a lasting and profound impact on your readers.”


Apache: Aliasing and Redirection | Nettuts+


“It’s common for a client to send a request for a file that either does not exist on the server, or exists in a different location. This can occur for a variety of reasons. You might move your files around the server (or to a completely …”

Essential Command-Line Tools for Web Developers | Nettuts+


“Notice that we also used the -L flag, which tells cURL to follow any redirects (which we need to download VirtualBox). Often, when configuring web servers, you’ll want to see that the headers are being set properly”

What to Expect From PHP 5.5 | Nettuts+


“The first PHP 5.5 alpha has been publicly released. After having some time to test and experiment with it, we can now bring you our in-depth overview of what to look forward for!”

Freelance Advice

How to get clients – The Design Cubicle


“They’re not truly dedicated to web design at all (their code & designs look like 3 months of training. wth?) and they all work a part-time job.. THAT is NOT successful at all, or at least that’s the math I’m getting: numbers aren’t …”

Automate the Communications Flow to Your Clients – Freelance Switch


“Many clients just don’t feel comfortable if they aren’t constantly in touch with you. Of course, there are also the …”

When New Freelancers Pitch Prospects: 7 Things to Never Say – Freelance Switch


“Whether you’re pitching a guest post on a blog to promote your freelancer website or looking to land another freelance …”

9 Things to Do Today So You’ll Get More Done Freelance Folder


“Do you want to earn more money. Simple. Get more done. At least, it sounds simple, but it’s really not. As freelancers, our income depends partly on our.”

Beware These Freelancer Health Hazards | FreelanceFolder


“Freelancing can be a great opportunity and lead to a great lifestyle, but there are some risks. One of these risks can be to your health. I wrote this.”


SERP Crowding & Shrinkage: It’s Not Your Imagination | SEOmoz


“Back in June, I wrote about what I called the “Bigfoot” Update, a major Google ranking fluctuation that seemed to be tied to SERP crowding. Put simply, fewer domains were getting more real estate in the Top 10. Since June …”

Prediction: Anchor Text is Weakening…And May Be SEOmoz


“In this week’s Whiteboard Friday, Rand discusses co-citation and its impact on the future of SEO and brand association. Hold onto your hats for a wild ride down the co-citation trail!”

8 Copy Editing Tricks to Make You Look Professional SEOmoz


“Editing your own writing is the worst part of writing, no matter your profession. In today’s Whiteboard Friday, our very own Community Attachè shares her tips for turning the arduous process of editing into something beautiful.”

If you are interested in the format of Evolutionary Design’s Weekly Mash Up, we use CurationSoft to find the articles, to copy the name, link location, and the first few sentences of the articles. I then add quotes and italicized to the copied text. The Free version only allows you use the blog search to find articles to share. But with the premium version you can find topics from at least eight different sources. So check it out today.

EvolutionaryDesigns.net runs on the Genesis Framework

Genesis Framework

Genesis empowers you to quickly and easily build incredible websites with WordPress. Whether you're a novice or advanced developer, Genesis provides the secure and search-engine-optimized foundation that takes WordPress to places you never thought it could go. It's that simple - start using Genesis now!

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About James

James spends most of his free time using social media and loves to teach others about design, web development, CSS, SEO, and social media. He is addicted to Wordpress, social media, and technology. You can reach him on his, personal website, Do not forget to follow him on Twitter @element321

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