Weekly Mash UP #37: Topics in Freelance, Web Design & Development, and WordPress

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Premise for WordPress Once again its time for the Weekly Mash Up. Even though I had a busy week along with a working Holiday weekend, I did find the time to get some reading in. For this week’s Mash Up, I read mostly articles about design and Freelance. So for this week, most of the articles in the collection are all about freelance and design, with a tutorial about Mockery PHP and an article related to WordPress.

The Mash Up

Take a look at the articles and tell us what you think of them. If you want your articles featured on our Mash Up, start commenting, sharing articles and talking with me on Twitter, Google+, and Facebook. The more I know about you and your website, the better chance I have of finding you on the web. Another, great for us to noticing you and getting your article listed here, is by using the community news submit option.


What Freelancers Get from Staying HealthyNaldz Graphics


“Balance is a significant thing in life. Everything that is important should be given attention which includes one’s health and well-being. Some people are busy working and could no longer give attention to themselves. Workaholic people tend to …”

Where are Your Clients Hiding | Articles | instantShift – Web Design


“Clients are truly everywhere, that is, if you know where they are hiding. As freelancers and entrepreneurs, we have to take responsibility and find these people in order to survive. You have to keep looking for clients even if you …”

How to Avoid Getting Screwed When You’re a New Freelancer- Freelance Switch


“The Internet is full of scams that rip freelancers off. Here are ten steps to take to make sure you get paid what you’re worth.”

Facebook for Freelancers: Groups, Pages or Profiles- Freelance Switch


“Once you’ve decided Facebook is right for you as a freelancer, you’re ready to put together an action plan on …”

How to Decide Whether to Invest in an Online Training ProgramFreelance Folder


“Webinars, interactive training, videos, coaching, etc. It seems like the Internet is filled with training programs-many of them targeted at freelancers.”

Why Doesn’t My Client Take Me Seriously? | FreelanceFolder


“Lack of client respect is a huge problem for many freelancers. I hear the complaint often, my client just doesn’t treat me like a professional. “

Web Design and Development

Setting Up Readable Online Web Copy using CSS – Web Design


“Working as a web designer requires knowledge in a slew of different areas. You need to consider user experience design, color schemes, and especially.”

Mockery: A Better Way | Nettuts+


“Mockery is a PHP extension that offers a superior mocking experience, particularly when compared to PHPUnit. While PHPUnit’s mocking framework is powerful, Mockery offers a more natural language with a Hamcrest-like set of matchers. In this article, I’ll compare the two mocking frameworks and highlight the best features of Mockery. “

The Novice Web Designers Guide to Colors | Web Design – InstantShift


“How we perceive everything around us is heavily influenced by color so it does not come as a surprise than using the right color palette for your website is, Web Designers and Developers Daily Resource.”


How to Get In Front of The WordPress Trend | FreelanceFolder


“If you’ve been following our WordPress articles, you know the demand for WordPress websites is only going to grow.”

If you are interested in the format of Evolutionary Design’s Weekly Mash Up, we use CurationSoft to find the articles, to copy the name, link location, and the first few sentences of the articles. I then add quotes and italicized to the copied text. The Free version only allows you use the blog search to find articles to share. But with the premium version you can find topics from at least eight different sources. So check it out today.

EvolutionaryDesigns.net runs on the Genesis Framework

Genesis Framework

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About James

James spends most of his free time using social media and loves to teach others about design, web development, CSS, SEO, and social media. He is addicted to Wordpress, social media, and technology. You can reach him on his, personal website, Do not forget to follow him on Twitter @element321


  1. […] It’s the start of a new week and to help get you through another week of work, I have collected a great collection of community news articles and all listed in our Weekly Mash Up. […]

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