Weekly Mash Up #36: Topics in Blogging, HTML5, Freelance, and SEO

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Gravity Forms Contact Form Plugin for WordPressOver the last week,  I read some great articles but there weren’t as many as I normally read. Out of those article, I found seven great articles that I think will be helpful for everyone.

This week’s mash up includes topics in blogging, HTML5/SEO in web design, Freelance, and SEO.

New Community News Options For Evolutionary Designs Readers

I have decided to add a community news submission option to Evolutionary Designs. Currently, I am looking into several submission options and way to submit those submissions to Evolutionary Designs. Until I have it figured out, you can submit your articles to the Evolutionary Designs Tumble Blog. There is a submit page where you can submit your original articles or great articles you find. But please only submit articles about design, photography, SEO, Photoshop, tutorials, freelance, blogging and business. If you click on the Community News tab on the menu bar, it will take you to the submission page.

If your articles are approved, they will post live on the Tumble blog and then some articles will be added to the Weekly Mash Up. Currently, we are only approving one or two articles a day but once there is need, we will post more. So start your link building today, and submit your articles to Evolutionary Designs Community News.

The Mash Up

Take a look at the articles and tell us what you think of them. If you want your articles featured on our Mash Up, start commenting, sharing articles and talking with me on Twitter, Google+, and Facebook. The more I know about you and your website, the better chance I have of finding you on the web

Blogging Tips

How to Become the Best Blogger/Writer in Your Niche – Daily Blog Tips


“Wanting to bring your blog to a higher standard, writing forms as good a place to start as any. And just as with anything else, be that in your line of work, career, even hobby, getting specific usually translates into getting better …”


HTML5 and SEO | Webdesigner Depot


“Since the advent of the first web search engines, designers and developers have struggled with issues of how to increase their placement on a search engine.”


Four freelance lessons learned the hard way | Webdesigner Depot


“An interesting thing about working as a freelancer, while the area of expertise may vary, is that many of us will share the same experiences time”

3 Questions to Ask Yourself Before Bidding on a Freelance Project


“Are you committing to every project or a bid that comes your way? If the answer is yes, chances are that you are simply wasting your time and money. Here are 3 simple questions (with many smaller ones, of course) you …”

5+ Ways to Survive Freelancing Famine Periods | FreelanceFolder


“Any long-term freelancer will tell you that most freelancers go through ups and downs–periods of high pay and periods of low pay. But the feast or famine cycle can take new freelancers by surprise. While there are definitely …”

Search Engine (SEO) Related

Did You Try the Revamped Google Trends? – Daily Blog Tips


“Google Trends was already one of my favorite tools for making research about the popularity of search terms and websites. Now it got even better, as Google announced it merged Google Trends with Insights for Search. “

Web Site Branding

How to Promote Your Website Like a Brand – Daily Blog Tips


“Today, we must function as brands, and the reality is that although we imagine companies like Kellogg’s and SeaWorld as the behemoths of brand marketing – companies with lackluster websites but still the ability to generate links eight times quicker than us – we are very capable of reflecting a similar identity online due to benefits of miniature scale we can create for ourselves through the proper marketing channels that brands often experience and build on offline.”

If you are interested in the format of Evolutionary Design’s Weekly Mash Up, we use CurationSoft to find the articles, to copy the name, link location, and the first few sentences of the articles. I then add quotes and italicized to the copied text. The Free version only allows you use the blog search to find articles to share. But with the premium version you can find topics from at least eight different sources. So check it out today.

EvolutionaryDesigns.net runs on the Genesis Framework

Genesis Framework

Genesis empowers you to quickly and easily build incredible websites with WordPress. Whether you're a novice or advanced developer, Genesis provides the secure and search-engine-optimized foundation that takes WordPress to places you never thought it could go. It's that simple - start using Genesis now!

Take advantage of the 6 default layout options, comprehensive SEO settings, rock-solid security, flexible theme options, cool custom widgets, custom design hooks, and a huge selection of child themes ("skins") that make your site look the way you want it to. With automatic theme updates and world-class support included, Genesis is the smart choice for your WordPress website or blog.

About James

James spends most of his free time using social media and loves to teach others about design, web development, CSS, SEO, and social media. He is addicted to Wordpress, social media, and technology. You can reach him on his, personal website, Do not forget to follow him on Twitter @element321

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