Automate Your Internal Links with WP-HypnoLinks

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Are you looking for a way to automatically link certain keywords to important articles within your site or maybe just to automatically link your affiliate links by keywords you create? If so, I have a premium WordPress plugin you have to try out.


As the same suggests, WP-HypnoLinks is a WordPress plugin that has something to do with link creation. What it does that a standard wordpress installation can’t do is automatically create links by keywords you designate in the WP-HypnoLink Control panel. This means you can easily link to whatever article on your site, other sites you refer to often, or to affiliate links to your favorite products and services and this happens all in the background whenever you create a new post.

WP-HypnoLinks Features

WP-HypnoLinks has a ton of features that come in handy for anyone who does a lot of internal linking. The features include…

Use any Keyword, Keywords or Phrase to Link to.

Automate Your Internal Links with WP-HypnoLinks

“You have just one page to add your linked keywords and wherever those words appear over your whole blog they get hypnolinked! It doesn’t matter if you have a thousand pages and ten thousand instances of those keywords – they all get updated immediately.”

Subtly Change the Look of the Links- Catch the Reader’s Eye

You can subtly change the links so that they flash, change color or pulse when the mouse hovers over them which creates a ‘pattern interrupt’ and causes them to unconsciously want to click your links.”

Google Penguin Proof

“You wont have to worry about being penalized for having too many affiliate links on your pages because WPHypnoLinks doesn’t add the links until the user views your page. They don’t even appear in the source of the page when search engines index them!”

The Code is Light Weight

“Other plugins suffer when you get a lot of traffic but WPHypnoLinks wont because it uses a unique caching system designed to make your blog perform just as it would normally even if you have a thousand keywords in your system.”

Rotate Target URLsAutomate Your Internal Links with WP-HypnoLinks

“Send the traffic to up to 5 different URLs for each keyword so you can share traffic with someone or do multivariate testing to see which sites get you the most conversions.”

Simple One Click Updates

“Easily check if an update is available and for the life of the plugin and your membership you can get one click updates to the latest version. No more having to delete the plugin manually and then upload the new version. Use the same system you’re used to with standard WordPress plugins.”

Mask Your LinksAutomate Your Internal Links with WP-HypnoLinks

“Choose your prefix and keyphrase and have all llinks look like the point to your own blog. When they’re clicked they get forwarded to the link of your choice.”

Integrated Click StatsAutomate Your Internal Links with WP-HypnoLinks

“You can see exactly how many clicks a link gets and even integrate your clicks with Google Analytics or GetClicky and see what exact words were clicked and where.”

WordPress API Compliant

“This means the plugin will continue to work even when WordPress updates because all the code and functions are made to the strict WordPress API standards. If something changes in WordPress core code then you get free updates to fix it.”

Import/Export Your LinksAutomate Your Internal Links with WP-HypnoLinks

“You can set your links on one blog and then save all your links and import them to a different site. You can do this for every site you own.”

Visual Editor Shortcode Buttonwphypnolinks-visual-editor-button

“’You can use this button to display a pop out window which will allow you to make any word in the post a hypnolink.

This will be great for making your ‘click here’ or ‘buy now’ links stand out and enable you to make one off links just for individual pages.”

Check Out this video about WP-HypoLinks…

The Price…

You can pick up WP-HypnoLinks for only $47. When you purchase WP-HypnoLinks, you only have to pay for once and you get every update for free and you can use on every blog you own! runs on the Genesis Framework

Genesis Framework

Genesis empowers you to quickly and easily build incredible websites with WordPress. Whether you're a novice or advanced developer, Genesis provides the secure and search-engine-optimized foundation that takes WordPress to places you never thought it could go. It's that simple - start using Genesis now!

Take advantage of the 6 default layout options, comprehensive SEO settings, rock-solid security, flexible theme options, cool custom widgets, custom design hooks, and a huge selection of child themes ("skins") that make your site look the way you want it to. With automatic theme updates and world-class support included, Genesis is the smart choice for your WordPress website or blog.

About James

James spends most of his free time using social media and loves to teach others about design, web development, CSS, SEO, and social media. He is addicted to Wordpress, social media, and technology. You can reach him on his, personal website, Do not forget to follow him on Twitter @element321

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