Weekly Mash Up #33: Topics in Blogging, Business, Design, and Freelance

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Keyword WinnerIt’s late Sunday night, so it’s time for the Weekly  Mash Up. Its been a crazy last few weeks and I didn’t get much time to write my normal articles for Evolutionary Designs. Luckily, I did get some time to read some articles.

For this week’s Mash Up, I found some great articles about blogging, business advice, design, development, and freelance.

The Mash Up

So take a look at the articles and tell us what you think of them. If you want your articles featured on our Mash Up, start commenting, sharing articles and talking with me on Twitter, Google+, and Facebook. The more I know about you and your website, the better chance I have of finding you on the web!

Blog Tips

One Great Source of Ideas You Might Not Have Daily Blog Tips


“Right now, I’ve got dozens of blog post ideas sitting in a spreadsheet on my computer. It took me next to no time to gather them … and I know that they’re spot-on for my audience. How? I surveyed my readers, and one of the …”

The 3 Steps to Setting Up a Popular and Daily Blog Tips


“There are hundreds of different formulas or paths to achieve a successful blog, but most pathways will have some basic concepts that will always remain the same. I am so sure you must have read most of it on many blogs”


Don’t Use Gmail/Yahoo/Hotmail for Business Emails – Daily Blog Tips


“Hi There,. My name is John Doe, and I am the owner of a web design and development agency. We would like to promote our client’s services on your blog by purchasing a banner. Please get back to me with rates and …”

Design and Development

5 Simple Tips for Designing Better iPhone Apps – Six Revisions


Here’s a handful of basic tips and techniques for improving the user interface (UI) and user experience (UX) design of iPhone apps.

How to Create a Scalable Background Image For – Fuel Your Creativity


“Knowing how to do this is essential, because doing this incorrectly can yield unwanted results, such as scrollbars, and clipping of your background image. Luckily, you can set up your background image to avoid these issues.”

Keep Your Photoshop Work Editable With Smart Objects | Fuel Your


“There is a great way to keep your work editable, and that method is called Smart Objects. Start by creating a new document and fill the background layer with black. You can make your document any size, but mine is 1024 x


Freelancing 101: How to Freelance for Big Inspired Magazine


“This is a guest post by Nicolas Acuna and Mikka Olsson, co-founders of Ebbex.com, an iPhone and iPad apps development company. In the last year, they’ve.”

Guide to Working Collaboratively with Fellow Freelance Switch


“To ensure that projects go smoothly when working collaboratively with other freelancers the following is a complete guide to help you along this path.”

10 Marks of a Self-Disciplined Freelancer | FreelanceFolder


“You’re a freelancer. You’re creative. You’re innovative. You’re flexible. You’re tech savvy. But are you disciplined? If you think that you can succeed.”

When Should You Specialize Your Freelancing Freelance Folder


“As a freelancer, should you become more specialized? A regular debate topic that crops up often among freelancers is whether freelancers should specialize or.”

If you are interested in the format of Evolutionary Design’s Weekly Mash Up, we use CurationSoft to find the articles, to copy the name, link location, and the first few sentences of the articles. I then add quotes and italicized to the copied text. The Free version only allows you use the blog search to find articles to share. But with the premium version you can find topics from at least eight different sources. So check it out today.

EvolutionaryDesigns.net runs on the Genesis Framework

Genesis Framework

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About James

James spends most of his free time using social media and loves to teach others about design, web development, CSS, SEO, and social media. He is addicted to Wordpress, social media, and technology. You can reach him on his, personal website, Do not forget to follow him on Twitter @element321


  1. […] been a few weeks since I last posted a Weekly Mash Up. During those two weeks since I last posted an article, I read some great articles. Out those […]

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