A collection Of Cheat Sheets that Every Web Developer Can Use

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HTML5 and other Great Cheat Sheets for Designers!The one thing that annoys me about web design and coding in general is forgetting certain elements in the code or what tag I need to make the element in the design do what I want. When I am working on a project, I have several reference sites open, hand written notes, and coding lay around my work area just in case I need to find something quickly. I even have a few cheat sheets laying around that I look to for some of the easy stuff that I might forget if I haven’t used in a while. All this to same time.  Image Source: Iconfinder

After networking and friending other designers and developers, one of the common complaints that I hear is that they might forget some of the code and they might have to go hunting for the answer. This kind of research could take a few minutes, or it could take time.

It’s next to impossible to know everything when it comes to coding, even seasoned designers and developers my forget something, so they have to keep cheat sheets and other tools around to find to speed up their research.

Why Cheat Sheets?

Cheat sheets are quick references guides that are created to help seasoned users reference software or coding languages in a quick and easy to find layout. Cheat sheets usually do not work for beginners but they work great for people that understand software or coding language but need a reminder on how to do something with the product.

A collection Of Cheat Sheets that Every Web Developer Can Use

Sometime last year, I started collecting cheat sheets and bookmarking Web Development Cheat web links for my own personal use. Then, a few weeks ago I decided that the collection was large enough and valuable enough to share with my readers. As I started going through them, I came across an older article on Top Design Mag that already had a great collection of cheat sheets.

So instead of recreating the list, I thought it would be a great idea to share this find with you. So check out the collection and let us know what you think. I found a few cheat sheets that I did have in my collection. Some day, I will go back and create my own, but for now, this is the one I want to share with you guys.

Article: All The Cheat Sheets That A Web Developer Needs

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About James

James spends most of his free time using social media and loves to teach others about design, web development, CSS, SEO, and social media. He is addicted to Wordpress, social media, and technology. You can reach him on his, personal website, Do not forget to follow him on Twitter @element321

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