7 Videos to Get You Started with Adobe Lightroom 4

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Adobe Lightroom 4Are you a photographer, designer that likes use your own images for projects, writer that likes to use their images in their articles, or maybe just someone that loves taking pictures? If so, then you need a tool that can help organize, import, edit, and share images.

In my opinion, the best tool for the job is Adobe Lightroom 4. It does it all. It isn’t as powerful as Photoshop but it easier to use and has lot of features and editing tools that the average photographer needs. Not only is this a great tool for the average user but it’s a lifesaver tool for professional photographers.

Although I am not a professional Photographer, I have worked for a client that need photo processing on a large scale. All processing was done with Lightroom and advanced processing was done in Photoshop as needed. After having to processing hundreds of images a day, I grew to understand how valuable Lightroom  was and I ended up purchasing Lightroom 3 and have been using Lightroom to edit all my images for personal and for my articles since then. Image Source: Amazon Sales Page

Adobe Lightroom 4 Features

Features pulled from Amazon’s Adobe Lightroom 4 sales page.

  • Get everything you need beyond the camera-Organize, perfect, and share-Lightroom combines all your digital photography tools in one fast, efficient application.
  • Get the best from every image – Get the highest possible quality from every pixel in your images, whether you shot them with a pro DSLR camera or a camera phone.
  • Share effortlessly-Craft elegant photo books and easily share your photographs on social networks or in web galleries, slide shows, prints, and more. Lightroom includes efficient tools to showcase your work for friends, family, and clients.
  • Highlight and shadow recovery–Bring out all the detail that your camera captures in dark shadows and bright highlights. Now you have more power than ever before to make great images under challenging lighting conditions.
  • Photo book creation–Create beautiful photo books from your images with a variety of easy-to-use templates included in Lightroom, and then upload your book for printing with just a few clicks.

Adobe Lightroom 4Adobe Lightroom 4 Introduction Tutorials

Below is a collection of Introduction to Lightroom 4 videos and tutorials. These videos are short and helpful. Some are just introductions to new tools and layouts while others some basic tutorials that every photographer using Lightroom 4. If you are still on Lightroom 3, you are going to want to upgrade to Lightroom 4. I know I am planning to upgrade soon.

So check out the videos and let us know what you think. If you are already using this Adobe Lightroom 4 let us know what you think. Image Source: Amazon Sales Page

Lightroom 4 Introduction


Lightroom Fundamentals – Course Introduction

This video is really just an introduction and fundamentals to a course. Gives you an idea about what Lightroom is.

The Broad Overview of Lightroom 4 – Lynda.com

The Photoshop Lightroom 4 Interface – Lynda.com tutorial

Lightroom 4: The New Develop Module – Lynda.com Tutorial Excerpt

Although this except from a full tutorial from Lyndia.com, it still has a lot of good amount information for a seven minute video.

Lightroom 4 Quickstart Tutorial

Lightroom 4: Cropping and Straightening Images – Lynda.com Excerpt

Although this is a short excerpt from the full tutorial, this has lot good information packed into a five minute video.

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About James

James spends most of his free time using social media and loves to teach others about design, web development, CSS, SEO, and social media. He is addicted to Wordpress, social media, and technology. You can reach him on his, personal website, Do not forget to follow him on Twitter @element321


  1. This is a great help posted for us.. Actually, there are a lot of people who are not aware with this and I hope I can share this to them..

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