30 Fantastic Fantasy Illustrations

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30 Fantastic Fantasy Illustrations

Fantasy illustrators have the incredible ability to imagine phenomenal creatures and scenes and then capture their ideas on digital and physical palettes. Some artists enjoy fantasy design purely for their own pleasure, others create for the purpose of using for poster printing or canvas printing, and others are required to create worlds for games or other animated projects. Many designers prefer to use Illustrator or other digital drawing programs to create their ideas from scratch. Others like to first create a sketch that they then upload to a program to add digitalized effects. Some artists enjoy painting or drawing their creations with no digital effects added. The following collection ranges from the demonic and devious to the seductive and sensual. They also include a variety of palettes so that we get the full range of talent within the broader field of fantasy illustrations. Landscapes and characters are a primary theme, but most of the images are just small snapshots of the original piece. So take the time to see the entire work and let the author know you appreciate his or her efforts.

Fantasy Illustrations by Toby Lewin

Cold as Stone by Miguel Angel Sanchez Rodriquez

Pen Fantasy Illustration by Russ Nicholson

The Underworld by Eric Lofgren

Spider Clan by Steve Argyle

Fantasy Pencil Illustration by MJB Studio

Clock Tower and City of 1000 Pillars by Kanehira

Soul Mates Illustration by Anne Stokes

Fantasy Illustration by Made in Asia

Dreamland Above Than Clouds by Anuka (Ann) Baratashvili

Out on a Limb by Aaron Pocock

Mystic’s Fantasy Landscapes

Prototype Game Wallpaper

Concept Art by Jazylh

The Art of Mike Dubisch

Illustration by Erika Thorpe

Time Trap by Lior Arditi

Razorback – Black Metal, Fantasy illustration by Dorian Cleavenger

Wizards of the Coast by Kerem Beyit

Donaar by Kerem Beyit

Far Away by Robin Olausson

Spectacular 2D Dragon Crash by Viktor Titov

Don’t Scary by Tahra

The Day of the Triffids by Tomasz Maronski

Save. Our. Souls. by AquaSixio

The Planets – Earth by InertiaK

Awe-Inspiring Fantasy Illustrations by Boco

Machinery of the Stars by Vitaly S. Alexius

Spage Age Island from iPad Wallpaper Randomize

All of the images included in this collection are either under Copyright or Creative Common License, so do not use any of these images in a design without written consent from the author. I found each image on public websites and have added linkbacks to each of the sites on which I found them. If you are the owner of an image found in this post and do not want it displayed, please contact us to have us remove your piece.

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About Tara Hornor

Tara Hornor is Senior Editor for Creative Content Experts, a company that specializes in content marketing, link building, and more. She writes on topics of web and graphic design, marketing, advertising, branding, and other small business topics. Feel free to connect with @TaraHornor on Twitter.


  1. Every illustration looks great. I loved Awe-Inspiring the most.

  2. Awesome collection! All of these are so beautiful.

  3. @Nirmal Kumar – Thanks! And I agree, Awe-Inspiring is one of my favorites too.

    @Johnny – Glad you enjoyed the collection!

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