Evolutionary Designs has a Google+ Page

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Google+ PagesA few days ago Google finally released a feature that most website owners and businesses have wanted for a while now. Yes that’s right, websites and businesses can now create their own pages. So far, the features are very limited but Google does have plans to add features in the feature, they just wanted to get Google+ Pages open so we can start using and interacting with those companies that have already their pages up and running. So if you haven’t gotten yours yet, get it today! But keep in mind, only one person can run the page and that is the person that creates under their Google+ account. Hopefully this will change in the near future. Image source: Iconfinder

Yesterday, Evolutionary Designs got its very own Google+ Page. Its simple and easy to setup and configure in minutes. It so much easier than Facebook pages. All you do is answer some questions about your site and then fill out the profile and you have your page. During the creation process, Google will ask you to configure a Google+ icon that links to your profile page. Set that up and add it to your sidebar. You can see it in action in the top right (sidebar) of this site. Google+ Pages

Thoughts on Google+ Pages

As of right now there aren’t that many things you can do other than posting updates and adding images to your site, there really isn’t any different than an individual account which I have already invested a lot of time building my community.

There are a lot of Google+ users saying they add their websites/blogs to Google+ Pages because of the same issues I have and those are; already invested a lot of time on our personal accounts, one account can administrate the page, and we will be posting the same content to both accounts is spamming our followers.

All of these concerns are legitimate and should be addressed before you start using Google+ Pages. No one likes spam and being blasted by the same status updates and links shares from the same people is the same thing. So a lot of these users are refusing to create their pages because this is what will happen. But after a day of thought, I decided to reserve Evolutionary Designs’ page. As of right now, I will mostly use it for small updates. But in the future, I do plan on using the page but that will be after Google+ releases more useful features.

If you are looking for information about Google+ Pages, make sure to check out there information page. It has a great video about Google+ Pages.

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About James

James spends most of his free time using social media and loves to teach others about design, web development, CSS, SEO, and social media. He is addicted to Wordpress, social media, and technology. You can reach him on his, personal website, Do not forget to follow him on Twitter @element321

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