Mash Up #23: Topics in Design, Marketing and SEO

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It’s the start of a new week, so that means its time for the Weekly Mash Up. This week’s mash up is a good one, We have topics in design, marketing, SEO, and an inspiration about Steve Jobs. Although, I share topics in blogging, SEO and photography, this week’s mash up is mostly about design. I did slip an article that has a list of thirty fonts you can download in use in your own designs and projects.


7 Blog Design Tips from a Content Strategist

“For blog design, content issues are particularly important to pay attention to, because, fundamentally, the purpose of a blog is to deliver quality content to a strategically defined audience or community.

For that reason, web design and content must never work at cross-purposes. Here are a few tips for web designers creating weblogs.”

The Do’s And Don’ts Of Infographic Design: Revisited<

“Smashing Magazine offered advice on the “Dos And Don’ts Of Infographic Design“, but they forgot to include the former. It’s as if I wrote a fake post and someone mistook it for a serious guide. Written by Amy Balliett, it seems to me that the post is basically about a couple of tips on how to create linkbait that doesn’t work. Or at least I hope it doesn’t. Many of the dos are actually dont’s, and judging by some of the comments that the article had received, it’s worth pointing out what’s what.”

What is Vexel Art?

“In today’s article I’m going to give an in depth look at what vexel art is, how to create it and why it isn’t vector art – which is the key point of the article. It will get technical in places so please bare with me as I go through the differences between raster and vector and then what vexel art is.” 

Inspiration: Fluid & Responsive Design

“Responsive design all started with this article by Ethan Marcotte. Some people see it as a trend. But it is more than just a trend. It is a new design solution — it helps to resolve the design problems associated with the different resolutions and devices (desktop, laptop, tablet, and mobile). I’m going to share a list of responsive sites that I feel are nicely done. I’ve categorized the list into two categories: Adaptive and Fluid & Responsive.”

30 New Free Fonts For Designers

“Typography plays a huge role in any design. While designers usually pick from a set of favorite fonts, it’s always good to be on the lookout for new ones that  may be more appropriate to use for certain projects and could make your designs more trendy. To help you save your precious time, we have collected 30 fresh and ready to use fonts that can spice up your designs. Pick the fonts that appeal to you and download them for free by clicking on their corresponding download source.”

8 Self Motivating Tips for Graphic Designer to Stay Creative!!

“A graphic designer without creative instincts is like a locomotive without an engine. Your concept generation skills are paramount to your profession and you must make sure your creativity doesn’t dries out. So how does a graphic designer keep his creative juices flowing constantly?
Here are 8 simple yet effective ways of boosting your creative level in the field of graphic design.”

Marketing – Call to Action Pages

Do’s and don’ts of call to action pages

“The main thing to remember is the purpose of a call to action page: to get a visitor to perform a specific action. If you keep that in mind while you’re designing, you’re likely to have a more successful result.”

SEO/Search Engine/Google

How Much Data Will Your Site Lose With Google Encrypted Search Default?

“News from Google earlier this week has the SEO industry in an uproar. In an effort to increase searcher’s privacy, Google will roll out encrypted search ( results by default for users signed into their Google accounts. This change affects brands who utilize Google Analytics to analyze their search engine traffic and the keywords users search to navigate to their sites. Google made sure to point out that brands that use PPC will still have access to keyword data from users who click their ads, and that this change only affects organic search.”


50 Graphic tributes to Steve Jobs

“we’ve collected fifty of these designs, all inspired by the life of Jobs and the impact he had on the world.” runs on the Genesis Framework

Genesis Framework

Genesis empowers you to quickly and easily build incredible websites with WordPress. Whether you're a novice or advanced developer, Genesis provides the secure and search-engine-optimized foundation that takes WordPress to places you never thought it could go. It's that simple - start using Genesis now!

Take advantage of the 6 default layout options, comprehensive SEO settings, rock-solid security, flexible theme options, cool custom widgets, custom design hooks, and a huge selection of child themes ("skins") that make your site look the way you want it to. With automatic theme updates and world-class support included, Genesis is the smart choice for your WordPress website or blog.

About James

James spends most of his free time using social media and loves to teach others about design, web development, CSS, SEO, and social media. He is addicted to Wordpress, social media, and technology. You can reach him on his, personal website, Do not forget to follow him on Twitter @element321


  1. This is an awesome mash-up. Thank you very much for sharing this information.

  2. Your welcome John.

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