How To Invite Blogging Partners On Board

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Blogging is a never ending process. As you blog, you are compelled to stretch your blogging boundaries. In order to fill these ever expanding horizons you need supporting hands. During the initial days of your blogging, you might be able to manage most of the work yourself. As you dig deep into blogging, your two hands cannot hold the entire work load that your blogging demands. You need to write articles, edit articles, post articles on your site, participate in guest blogging, respond comments on your blogs, market your blog posts, promote affiliate products, take care of site maintenance and the list goes on; this varies from one blog to another. What should be your next step?

Blogging partners

You may want to engage with a few hands who can support your cause. These hands must add flair for your blogs, knowledgeable and be trust-worthy. How can you find these reliable partners and where can you find them and where can you deploy them in your blogging arena? Let us check all these aspects.


Image source: Handshake

A tough task

Finding a blogging partner cannot be a safe bet all the time. With the spread of communications, the universe is squeezed into a small global village and you will be able to contact anyone at anytime from anywhere. Here you have the opportunity to float blogging partners either from the virtual world or from the physical contacts that you had already established over the years, right from your schooling to graduation or from workplace and relatives. Those you had met on a project work or at conferences or on a holiday outing and other social gatherings may sometimes turn into potential partners with the kind of unexpected rapport that you built with them.

Matching minds

Whosoever be your blogging partners, they should be able to understand your blogging goals. Your partners should be interested in the niche that you are participating in. Potential partners should be able to spend enough time with you for discussions. Should be able to take up the challenges and work towards the set goals with determination. Consistency and long-term association are important factors to be expected from your blogging partners.


Blogging partners should be reliable. You should be able to count on them for all kinds of situations. You will know their capabilities and commitments of your friends, relatives and acquaintances by your association with them. Most of the time, these associations will happen quite naturally as your interests and expectations match with your friend’s interests and expectations.

Sourcing from online world

Finding partners from offline community is difficult as you know them by face and you had interactions with them to know about the personality. An altogether different parameter should be applied when exploring blogging partners from virtual world. You should have preliminary association with them through chat or engage them with a piece of your blog work for a considerable period of time. You can draw an equation with these contenders by gauging their commitment and consistency in delivering right goods in right time. Primary leads can also be obtained by searching on social media networking sites like Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn.

Commenters turned into partners

Potential bloggers can be explored from people who post interesting, entertaining, informative and extensive comments on your blog. These are the people that are really interested in your blogging attire and you can initiate dialogue with them and deploy them for a specific task by checking other qualifying parameters.

Type of partners

You can engage partners to the level of relief that you need from your work. You can engage partners to the level of revenue sharing that you want to extend. And, you can engage partners by limiting them to certain aspects of your blog. These can be writing partners, editing partners, posting partners, blog promotion partners, website maintenance partners, accounting partners, etc. By engaging specialists and experts in the subject matter that you are focusing, your blog stats may be elevated within no time. For our discount coupon blog that features bistro md and diet to go coupons, we have a team of people who partner with us and help us with guest posting and blog promotion (like social media submissions).

Communication with partners

Effective communication and mode of communication should be established in order to engage your blog team efficiently. There should be clarity in assigning tasks, deadlines and proper acknowledgment on both sides. Emails, chat systems and social networking sites can serve as aids of communication.

Managing partners

There should be clarity in not only assignment of tasks but also the remuneration extended on piece basis or monthly work basis.


Once the selection process is over, you should concentrate on building the team effectively. Close observation is required during the early days, as it will be the right opportunity to mold them and shape them as per your requirement by giving timely feedback. Extensive guidance and training should be offered to help reach blogging partners to your level of standards. Have you thought of including blogging partners in your blogging business? Please share your thoughts about the above mentioned factors in the comments.

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  1. Hey, Jane! nice take and very comprehensive topic coverage. I think trust is at the essence in any partnership. And like you mentioned, there are so many elements that have to ‘click’ for it to be a success…


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