Best Photoshop Tutorials Created in September

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It’s the start of a new month, so its time to list some of the best Photoshop tutorials created last month. Normally, we try and post this lists in the last few days of the month. But with the schedule and timing issues, we didn’t have much time to work on the article but a few a minutes over the last several days.

Photoshop Tutorials

This month, we decided to break up the tutorials based on difficulty. All the beginner level tutorials are first. These are basic tutorials that every new Photoshop should know. Next, you can try out the intermediate tutorials. The tutorials in this group are manipulation tutorials designed to teach us different ways to use the tools in Photoshop. And finally, We have one advanced tutorial that uses advanced tools to create an impressive image.

How to Apply Light, Shading, and Shadow to Round Objects


This is a great beginner level tutorial. It’s part of a 25-part video tutorial for Photoshop beginners. Shading objects has always been an issue for me. I know how to do it but making it look real can be an issue. So this is a great video on how to create shadows.

How to Work With Perspective in Photoshop

How to Work With Perspective in Photoshop

Here’s another great beginner level tutorial about perspective It is also part of the beginner level video tutorial series from PSD Tuts.

5 Easy Photoshop Photo Effects – Video Tutorial

Five easy photoshop photo effects

This video tutorial is a beginner level tutorial that shows us how to create some of the most popular effects using professional non-destructive editing techniques.

How To Create a Retro Style Typographic Poster Design

How To Create a Retro Style Typographic Poster Design

The retro style typographic poster tutorial that shows us how to use manipulation tools, textures, blending and Adobe Illustrator for some of the effects. This is a great tutorial, and its easy do. It is considered a beginner level tutorial but, make sure you are familiar with Adobe Illustrator before starting this tutorial.

Nike Hair in Photoshop

Nike Hair in Photoshop

This tutorial shows you how to create a funny photo manipulation to create a Nike Hair ad. The tutorial is for beginners and won’t take you more than 30 minutes.

How to Create Dramatic Sci-Fi Photo Manipulation in Photoshop

Photoshop Tutorials

This tutorial teaches us how to use different blending modes to blend images. It will show us the different ways of adding lights and shows to our project. The tutorial will also teach us how to add fire to our projects and look realistic!

How to Create an Out of This World, Medieval-Fantasy Themed Photo Manipulation


Create a seamless image of a stormy night with a dragon battling a midlevel ship. This tutorial shows us how to create storm, realistic fire, and make waves look as they were not created by a person.

How to Create a Retro Surreal Photo Manipulation using Photoshop


In this tutorial, we will create a surreal image using several images, brushes and some textures.

Create a Minimalist Portal Scene in Photoshop


In this tutorial, we will learn how to blend images using blending modes and brushes to create this dark and stormy portal.

Advanced Photoshop Tutorials

How to Turn Humdrum Photos Into Cinematic Portraits

How to Turn Humdrum Photos Into Cinematic Portraits

This tutorial is for advanced Photoshop users. It takes a regular boring photograph and gives it a dramatic almost HDR look to it. This tutorial was originally release in April of 2009 but it has been updated with a video. runs on the Genesis Framework

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About James

James spends most of his free time using social media and loves to teach others about design, web development, CSS, SEO, and social media. He is addicted to Wordpress, social media, and technology. You can reach him on his, personal website, Do not forget to follow him on Twitter @element321


  1. I love your choice on the dramatic sci-fi photo manipulation. Anyone who sees this would definitely be awestruck. Thanks for the tutorial resources, will certainly treasure these.

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