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Earlier today Klout announced that they have integrated Google Plus with the Klout system. Klout says that Google Plus was one a feature that was highly requested.
Naturally I had to integrate my Klout profile with Google Plus. It will take some time before Klout can accurately record my Google Plus usage. I will give an update on the new Google Plus features if there is anything worth reporting.
What is Google Plus?
For those are not familiar with the Google Plus Network, the Google Plus Network is a new social media network by Google that has gown not only in size but popularity.
I have used Google Plus since July and I have seen a lot of great features added to the network. What I like the most is its privacy features. Even if you are not with familiar privacy settings in social media, you can easily setup filters (circles) so you can share status updates, media, and video chats with certain people. Once you set these circles up, you don’t have to worry about the privacy.
These aren’t the only features but these are just a few of the great features. Google Plus has done a good a job at creating a great network, and they did it so well that other social media sites are adding these features to their networks.
I’ve linked my Google+ and Klout today, it will be interesting to see how and if the klout score changes over time 😉
Great Google plus update. I like how Google plus runs too. I think Facebook is having a tight competition with Google plus right now. A lot of users are beginning to notice the greatness of Google plus as a new social networking site.