Blog Engage is Offering a Free One Year Membership At Elegant Themes

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Memberships, RSS, Blog Engage, Build Backlinks, Increase SERP and SEO

Today I want to let everyone know that Blog Engage is offering a free giveaway and that give away is a one year membership at Elegant Themes.

The one year membership will be paid by Brian, owner of Blog Engage. This membership will give you access to Elegant Themes all year. This means you will have access to 67 premium themes and every new theme created during your free one year membership. This is a great opportunity to help improve the look and feel of your design. 

You can earn up to six entries plus bonus entries for the give away. All you have to do is follow the instructions and you can earn your entries into the give away. You do not have to complete all the steps, but why wouldn’t you?

What is Blog Engage?

If you want to increase your web traffic, build backlinks, raise your page rank, and meet some new bloggers, then Blog Engage is the place you wanna join. Blog Engage is a premium social bookmarking site. For a one time sign up fee, you can join the network. But if you sign up for the business plan (RSS syndication plan) the fee is waived and you have access to a ton of features that will help build backlinks and traffic for your web site.

What is Blog Engage RSS Syndication?

Blog Engage RSS Service will automatically syndicate your blog content daily to Blog Engage and Several other sister sites (depends on what plan you choose). This will then put your articles in front of real bloggers and others interested in your content. All though you can manually submit your articles to the site manually, this service does it for you and its always posts your articles so don’t have to worry about that part.

This is a great feature and will help save time, but to get the most out of the site, you need to spend time there daily, commenting and voting on articles. Blog Engage is a social community. You can’t just submit articles and ignore the community. You will get the backlinks, but you won’t get the traffic and the benefits of networking with other bloggers.

What is Affiliate Lights? Affiliate Lights Referral Images

Another great feature of Blog Engage is their affiliate program. The affiliate program is part of Affiliate Lights, another creation by Brian. This program is like other affiliate programs, you join the program and you earn commissions by referring your readers to purchase products and services that are part of Affiliate Lights. You can also earn commissions from those that sign up with Affiliate Lights as well.

So if you are concerned about the cost of Blog Engage, you can get this fee back by signing up for the affiliate lights program and start talking about Blog Engage and Affiliate Lights on your blog. Then add a banner or two in the right spots and you could start earning some commissions.

Final Thoughts

I have been using Blog Engage for several years now. I have seen the community grow from a small site to a successful above average size social bookmarking community. There are core group of bloggers there that are always about helping others and if you can connect with them and be part of that community, you can have a great time there, learn a lot from others, and start networking with other bloggers. runs on the Genesis Framework

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About James

James spends most of his free time using social media and loves to teach others about design, web development, CSS, SEO, and social media. He is addicted to Wordpress, social media, and technology. You can reach him on his, personal website, Do not forget to follow him on Twitter @element321


  1. Thanks for the heads up, checking the contest out now.

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