Mash Up #18: Topics in Design, Copyright Infringement, Making Money Online, WordPress

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Hi guys, its time once again for our weekly Mash Up series! We normally post the mash ups on Sunday night, but do to internet connection issues, I was having difficulty uploading and working on articles over the weekend. So every article from last Friday was pushed back a few days.  I am still having an issue with my internet connection, but it’s at least a little better and should be back to normal very soon.

This week we have a great selection of new media related articles. I found three great articles in design, one great article about copyright infringement, one article/audio interview about making money online while you sleep, and a couple great WordPress articles.


The do’s and don’ts of Flash
"Developing fully interactive websites is an amazing experience whose technology is in a current state of change. We’re not only seeing big changes in terms of platforms used for that purpose – HTML5 anyone? – but also in the workflow employed when developing those (so-called) rich websites.

I think that Flash is a particularly acute example of the latter. The platform has evolved a lot through the years, not only in regards to what it can do, but in how one should do it. In that sense, the rich online experiences we create can now be more powerful than ever, so here’s a few pointers on how to get it done a little more efficiently."

15REE Vector Photoshop Brushes from Brusheezy
"Brusheezy is the place to share your free Photoshop brushes and other Photoshop-related resources. I you are looking for a place to share and promote your Photoshop brushes or other types of Photoshop-related resources. Browse thousands of unique Photoshop brushes free to download on Brusheezy. Brusheezy gets more than 1.2 million visitors a month to ensure lots of attention for your creations."

Resources for Styling Lists
"We have collected some valuable tools that designers can use to creatively get this done, and have also gathered a showcase of some unique and inspiringly crafted lists. First you can get some interesting ideas for creating lists for your own design projects via the showcase, before you dive into the resource section of the post in order to bring those ideas to life."

Copyright Infringement

Digital Thieves – What to do if they steal your design or content
"It is always good to know your rights – the Digital Millennium Copyright Act is the act, which prevents other people from using your work, but the act is not without its flaws or “loopholes.” It has a fair use clause, which can be exploited by people that have decided to use somebody else’s content or design work, and there have been a number of high profile cases, where the judges have ruled in favor of the person(s) who have used the content since each case is different. However, there is a lot you can do on your own, without having to hire a lawyer, and if another person has decided to “borrow” your design and is reselling it or have used it in their work without your consent, then they are unlikely to argue a fair use clause."

Making Money Online

Ryan Lee Interview – Making Money On The Internet As You Sleep
"Today I am excited to share my first audio interview with you. Now this is my first so I’m a little off lol but I think it went well.

Second, I’m interviewing Ryan Lee. If you have been in Internet Marketing for at least a few months then you will know who Ryan is, if you don’t then visit him over at"


8 Things to Customize on Your Premium Blog Theme
"Although many themes tell you they are ready to go right out of the box, there are usually still a few basic things to tweak. Here are eight of the common items that usually need to be fixed on premium blog themes."

Showcase of Beautiful WordPress-Powered Website
"WordPress has stepped into its 9th years of being the content management system that most website owners love, and its design has since been evolved from really simple piece into extremely impressive work with all kinds of unique styles implemented." runs on the Genesis Framework

Genesis Framework

Genesis empowers you to quickly and easily build incredible websites with WordPress. Whether you're a novice or advanced developer, Genesis provides the secure and search-engine-optimized foundation that takes WordPress to places you never thought it could go. It's that simple - start using Genesis now!

Take advantage of the 6 default layout options, comprehensive SEO settings, rock-solid security, flexible theme options, cool custom widgets, custom design hooks, and a huge selection of child themes ("skins") that make your site look the way you want it to. With automatic theme updates and world-class support included, Genesis is the smart choice for your WordPress website or blog.

About James

James spends most of his free time using social media and loves to teach others about design, web development, CSS, SEO, and social media. He is addicted to Wordpress, social media, and technology. You can reach him on his, personal website, Do not forget to follow him on Twitter @element321


  1. John Paul says

    James, TY for including my interview on your Mashup.. I Appreciate that.

    .. Ryan did some sharing on that.. really helpful to me and any blogger if they listen.

  2. Hey James,

    Your post is always informative and it feeds our minds and motivates us to be better.

  3. I had to deal with a case of copyright infringement just the other day. My latest post, <a href=""graphic design pricing, was stolen, verbatim, including the custom illustration I created for the post. Considering I put 3 days of solid effort into the post, I was pretty livid. I contacted the owner of the offending blog and advised them they were under breech of copyright. Thankfully, they took it down within 24 hours, and I didn’t have to pursue other means.

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