Picking The Right Web Hosting Plan

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Picking The Right Web Hosting PlanThere are numerous businesses that offer web hosting services and the packages they offer include features that may seem to confusing and complicated to truly understand at first. Don’t let this discourage you, finding the right web hosting service is easier than you think. There are 3 basic kinds of web hosting services offered, dedicated server hosting, VPS (virtual private server) and shared server hosting. Once you decide which type of hosting service is best for your business, you are only left with the challenge of finding the best deal.

Understanding How Web Hosting Works

The easiest way to think about how web hosting functions is to think of it as a big filing system. Your website consists of folders and papers that are kept in a filing cabinet and when people visit your site they can see and interact with the information you keep there. Clicking on links will take them to different folders or pages within those folders. Of course, this a fairly simplistic explanation but it is sufficient for gaining a clearer understanding of how these web hosting services compare.

Dedicated Server

Dedicated server hosting is often the most expensive option offered by a hosting company. You are leasing the entire server. No other companies will have any of their content on the same server as you. In the filing cabinet analogy, this is like leasing the entire filing cabinet. All of the drawers will only be used to hold your files and papers.

The dedicated server will have its own operating system and software. You will also have independent IP addresses for your website. Companies that deal with a lot of secure data prefer this method of web hosting because the security is much easier to maintain when all of the hardware and software are used only for one company’s web sites.

Virtual Private Server

A VPS hosting solution is very similar to a dedicated hosting plan. You still have an independent operating system, unique IP addresses and the server software is not shared with other computers or websites. You are leasing a partition on a server rather than the whole server, however. This is equivalent to having an entire drawer in a filing cabinet. Only your files and papers will be stored in that drawer. Other drawers will be used for other companies and websites.

Shared Server

Shared servers are ideal for companies with little IT expertise. Customization is not an option, but these packages often include full service packages so development and maintenance skills on your part are minimal. The operating system, server software and even IP addresses are shared by several companies and websites. All of the websites on a shared server are protected by a single firewall that is monitored and maintained by the hosting company.

Shared server hosting is like having a hanging folder in the filing cabinet. Your web site is in the same drawer as several others. Informational websites, blogs and websites with less intensive data transfer requirements are often maintained on a shared server.

Once you decide what type of web hosting your company needs, picking the right provider of is just like choosing any other vendor. Finding the right balance between value and price is at the heart of the decision process. Server up-time is an important consideration, if the server is not up, no one can visit your website. It is also a good idea to find out exactly what is included in any support plans the company offers. Check into their track record for delivering on what they promise and cut the best deal you can.


Image Source: Server Room

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About BrianFlores

Brian Flores is a blogger for InMotion Hosting, one of the top providers of dedicated hosting in Los Angeles. He works with a team of awesome writers to post useful tutorials on WebHostingHelpGuy. You can follow him on Twitter @WHHG_InMotion or @BrianAFlores.

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