Hootsuite Now Offers Custom Social Analytic Reports

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HootSuite - Social Media Dashboard

Since Hootsuite was released, the creators have worked at keeping Hootsuite as one of the best and most popular Twitter clients available. Hootsuite has worked from the beginning to create the best user experience that you can get from a Twitter  client. The creators, listen to their users requests and added features such as monitor and updating multiple social networks. and adding mobile clients to the list of options available for Hootsuite users. On March 9th, 2011  Hootsuite released another great update to their built in analytic reports. If you are a fan of stats and tracking your success on Twitter and Google Analytics, then this update is for you.

Hootsuite has had social analytics for as long as I remember, but yesterday they released an update to this system. Now you can create custom reports! These custom report have a variety of custom options  some of them are free and some you must be a premium user in order to use them.

What’s With Hoosuite Social Analytics?

hootsuite-social-analytics With this release, Hootsuite Social Analytics now offers a better way of monitoring your social networks such as adding more powerful analytic tools, and customized reports. All of these new options are designed to help you track your success and help you understand what is going on within your networks.

New features include:

  • You have over 30 report modules to add your customizable reports
  • You can track Twitter brand Mentions
  • Monitor Facebook Likes and demographics
  • Look at social link clicks and website visits from Google

Check out this video, it shows you what you can do with the new social analytic reports.

HootSuite Social Analytics from HootSuite on Vimeo.

Final Thoughts

I setup my first report today in the social analytic report section and it was very easy and you do have a lot options. Several of the report templates you have to purchase through a point system or you can use one of the free templates. As you add modules, you might have to purchase some of the more advanced modules using points. I am still researching the point system and haven’t found much. Once I know more I will put out an update for this service. So far, in my opinion, Hootsuite has done a great a job with the new report features and I will continue to test them to see how well they work out.

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About James

James spends most of his free time using social media and loves to teach others about design, web development, CSS, SEO, and social media. He is addicted to Wordpress, social media, and technology. You can reach him on his, personal website, Do not forget to follow him on Twitter @element321


  1. Hi James, great information here. I’ve never been a huge Hootsuite user and most likely never will be but this is a great reason for many people trying to track social media stats to join.

    I’ve always been satisfied with Google but I can see how this would provide much more insight about your social media marketing stats as opposed to a websites overall stats.

    You know when I first started blogging this would had been way more attractive to me because I was right into my stats! Man oh man I’ve spent a lot of time looking at website statistics. I use to do it every morning with my coffee.

    I’m guessing a lot of your visitors will actually benefit form this and hopefully some of my tweeter followers will too! I know Ileane a huge fan and Karen as well if I recall.

    Cool post man!

    • Thanks Brian, I use to be a TweetDeck Fan, but now I am a BIG Hootsuite fan. Thats all I use. I do have TweetDeck on my desktop and will open it once in a while to see what’s new. But I have never been very happy with it.

      I still find Google’s Analytic page very useful and it has lot more details than Hootsuite’s But Google stats do not have some of the stats Hootsuite does, so it does come in very handy…

  2. The custom report is a good thing since we allow to precisely monitor what we want. It would be good as analyze tool for our social networking experiment.

    • Dana, I am still testing Hootsuite stats, but so far they seem to be useful. Its now all about configuring what models you want and what you really need.

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