MaxBlogPress’s Max Banner Ads Plugin – Review

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WordPress plugin So are you interested in adding ads to your  WordPress Blog? Maybe to your sidebar as a widget or even in a post? But after researching or trying out different ad plugins for WordPress, you found that you had to do additional coding or the plugins were not as good as they were made out to be.

After looking into few of the of the other ad rotator plugins, I came across a few I liked, but they take to much time to setup and you still have to add code to get them to work with your themes.  I don’t mind working with the code, but at times I just want to leave it to the pros. Working with ad spaces and how they render on a site is definitely one of those times, I would prefer someone to get this right the first time and let me worry about the configuration of the plugin.

Today I came across  a plugin by MaxBlogPress Plugins called Max Banner Ads. This plugin is another one of those ad rotator and placement plugins for WordPress. Buts what’s different about it, is you do not have to mess with any of the code inside the theme! It even has tracking so you know when your ads are getting impressions and when they get clicked on. But of course this is not a free plugin, but it does offer a revieware option, where you can download and test it. Once you like, you can purchase it and open of the premium options.

Max Banner Ads After a few minutes of getting familiar with the plugin, I found it very easy to configure and add affiliate links to the sidebar. I like it so much, I removed a section of sponsored ads that was added by using the WordPress theme’s built in option for ads and setup Max Banner Ads instead.

Adding Banners to Max Banner Ads is Easy!

Adding banners should take less than a minute to create if you have all your link information and codes handy. If not it will take longer to create a banner. Since I have already setup my up, I will use examples and screenshots from MaxBlogPress page.

1.  Choose where you want to put the banner. You can to place the banner on the top of the first post, within the post, and the sidebar. For this walkthrough, a banner will be configured to be placed in the top zone. Each section is broken up into zones.

Max Blog Press Plugins! 2. Next click on the add banner link. Adding the actual code is easy. If you already know your link then, add your banner URL (where the image is stored online) then add your affiliate link.

Max Banner Ads

If you only have the banner code, then you can take that banner code and click on Fill Image URL and Link From Copy Past Code and it will fill in the fields for the Image URL and the Link for you. If you have scripted code then, you can select that option from the copy and paste section and select the scripted section and it will add your banner as well. Once you have the banner setup, then save it.  If you want to add more banner so it rotates the banners, then click on the zone again and add more banners.

How to Display More Than One Banner At a Time?

Adding multiple banners to display is easy. All you need to do is click on the little pencil at the top of your chosen zone. Then scroll down to the more options and open that up. Then you will see show ____ Banner(s) at once. Put as many as you need. Keep in mind the more you show, the slower your system will load. I am loading six at a time and haven’t had any issues.


Final Thoughts

Out of all the banner rotation and ad display tools available for WordPress, Max Banner Ads is my favorite. I will be upgrading shortly to the pro version. Its so simple to setup and configure, why wouldn’t you want to use this plugin?

Images Source: MaxBlogPress runs on the Genesis Framework

Genesis Framework

Genesis empowers you to quickly and easily build incredible websites with WordPress. Whether you're a novice or advanced developer, Genesis provides the secure and search-engine-optimized foundation that takes WordPress to places you never thought it could go. It's that simple - start using Genesis now!

Take advantage of the 6 default layout options, comprehensive SEO settings, rock-solid security, flexible theme options, cool custom widgets, custom design hooks, and a huge selection of child themes ("skins") that make your site look the way you want it to. With automatic theme updates and world-class support included, Genesis is the smart choice for your WordPress website or blog.

About James

James spends most of his free time using social media and loves to teach others about design, web development, CSS, SEO, and social media. He is addicted to Wordpress, social media, and technology. You can reach him on his, personal website, Do not forget to follow him on Twitter @element321

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