7 Tactics To Do Before You Start an SEO Campaign That will Help You Do Better SEO

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whiteboard SEO Over the Holidays I had some extra time to catch up on my SEO studies and I came across a video on SEOMoz about tactics that an everyone that does SEO should do before start working on SEO for a sites. Even if you are working on a site and won’t be launching a new site anytime soon, these tactics should be added into your process for SEO. Having a game plan before you start on a new SEO project or just having one for each day you plan to work SEO, will help you understand what what goals you have and how you plan to achieve those goals.

The Topics to Help you Do Better SEO

Danny Dover goes into detail about what he does and suggests we follow these tips to help us be better at SEO.

Those tips are;

  1. Get a whiteboard and put it in a non-work related place.
  2. Prioritize SEO tasks when you first get to the office for the day
  3. Dedicate time and add it to your calendar for researching SEO
  4. Create New Emails for each clients
  5. Take time to explain your job to friends, family, and anyone is willing to listen
  6. Schedule meetups with others in your industry (online marketing, SEO, Social media)
  7. Be thankful!

SEOmoz – SEO Software

Final Thoughts

After watching the video I realized that I do a lot of these things. I do not own a whiteboard and even I did, I work from home, when I work on SEO for clients. I do have a home office, but its also a guest bed room for now. So a whiteboard hanging from the wall with random notes isn’t very fashionable for home decor. I also try and schedule meetups, I have met a few people in my area of work, in person or on internet voice conferences.  But other than that, I have not meet many of the SEO and online marketers in our area. But I am hoping to change that in January.

The two tactics I find the most useful are, scheduling time for research and prioritize SEO tasks first thing in the morning. If I don’t schedule time for SEO and research, I tend to forget about or I just run out of time and have to move to the next project of the day.

Image source: White Board

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About James

James spends most of his free time using social media and loves to teach others about design, web development, CSS, SEO, and social media. He is addicted to Wordpress, social media, and technology. You can reach him on his, personal website, Do not forget to follow him on Twitter @element321


  1. I do know what you mean. If I don’t get a good start to the day, it seems like I never catch up.

  2. Industry meetups are most likely going to be meetups with competitors. You might be able to write a post describing the benefits/disadvantages of networking with competition in such a way.

    • Hi Joseph,
      I never thought about a post about the benefits/disadvantages of networking with competition. Thanks for the idea, I think I will add that to my list of future posts 🙂

  3. I love these sorts of posts. What I find helps me when performing SEO tasks is setting a timer for say 60 minutes to work on client websites one at a time. Otherwise I can lose an entire morning just writing content and building links and it’s not exactly a balanced approach to take.


  1. Brandon Cox says:

    7 Tactics To Do Before You Start an SEO Campaign http://biginco.me/t via @element321

  2. Hesham says:

    7 Tactics To Do Before You Start an SEO Campaign That will Help You Do Better SEO http://t.co/RkKgthv via @element321

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