New Logo Banners Designs for Evolutionary Designs

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I have been building and designing websites on and off for several years. Last year, I decided to take this from hobby to a part-time freelance job. Because of this decision and with gardener friend’s husband I became the Director of Sales and Web Designs over at Enternet Now! After, working with Enternet Now! for a few months, I decided I needed to go back to school and learn more about design and development so I could start building logos and creating themes for our WordPress Clients.

Here are a few logos I created for Evolutionary Designs. Of course, I am not a logo designer, and these are my first attempt at creating logo banners for the site. What do you guys think?

My Logo Designs 125x125evolutionarydesignsbanner4-4 evoutionarydesigsn125 runs on the Genesis Framework

Genesis Framework

Genesis empowers you to quickly and easily build incredible websites with WordPress. Whether you're a novice or advanced developer, Genesis provides the secure and search-engine-optimized foundation that takes WordPress to places you never thought it could go. It's that simple - start using Genesis now!

Take advantage of the 6 default layout options, comprehensive SEO settings, rock-solid security, flexible theme options, cool custom widgets, custom design hooks, and a huge selection of child themes ("skins") that make your site look the way you want it to. With automatic theme updates and world-class support included, Genesis is the smart choice for your WordPress website or blog.

About James

James spends most of his free time using social media and loves to teach others about design, web development, CSS, SEO, and social media. He is addicted to Wordpress, social media, and technology. You can reach him on his, personal website, Do not forget to follow him on Twitter @element321


  1. I think you have a real talent. You do “dark” really well. I’d like to see you try a few attempts at doing some light, fluffy type of logos. You’ll need to be versatile and I’d guess more businesses will want either business-like or “happy”. So I’d suggest playing around with some ideas on doing those same designs in lighter style just for practice, assuming you haven’t already done some. (Maybe you have, but you just didn’t show them here in your examples). And of course, those logos are for this particular site, so they fit the design here, but I still think it would be fun to “fluff ’em up” just for practice. ๐Ÿ™‚

    • Thanks Donna, I am working on a few fun and fluffy logos. As for other logos, I generally contract graphic design work to my graphic designer. The only ones I have done other than my site is a comluv and bloggerluv 125 logos. The bloggerluv logo I did is on my side bar.

  2. I don’t like any of them. The third one from the bottom is misspelled, too.

    You need a really simple logo that’s less color heavy and more like an icon or something. A logo that could translate into a favicon, much like the one Cindy at has.

    Right now, the way your WP theme has presented the title and subtitle of your blog in the header – that’s actually an impressive piece of design. Some simple fonts and colors go a long way.

  3. Thanks, I just saw, the typos…I uploaded the wrong files. I have the corrected ones. already fixed. Its now changed.

    As for the banners, these are mostly for banners spaces I plan to buy on other design sites. Most of them are suppose to be a little catchy and colorful.

    I do like the look of my current logo on this site. I wasn’t planning to change that until I start designing my new theme

    • Now I’m reading everyone else’s answers, and I’m like “should I have been less blunt?”

      Blah. You’re gonna be successful and have my support no matter what. But yeah, my apologies for the tone: just didn’t want you to change a good thing if you didn’t have to.

  4. Even if you’re not a logo designer, these logos do look really good, I love the contrast of a dark background with the white text, it really makes info stand out very well specially on the larger banners ๐Ÿ˜‰

  5. youre good considering youre not a logo designer. It comes naturally to you what should be readable, like what Karen mentioned: light text on dark background.

  6. Hey James, It’s great to see you expanding your skills and very brave of you to let us critique them.

    I like the fonts on the bottom two and I agree with Donna that lighter colors would be a nice change.

    Keep up the good work!

    • Thanks, I have been sitting on some of those logs and other design projects for a few months. I think I will start posting more to get advice and comments on well I did on the designs.

  7. I like your dark and stylish theme. I think I saw it on WordPress theme repository. Is it a free theme (though I’m not going to use it anyway ๐Ÿ˜€ )?

    • Yes its one of the free ones. When I picked this one, it was part of the repository. I have been modifying it since Dec. Eventually I will be creating my own theme. But right now, its easier and less time consuming creating my own…

  8. By the way, I just noticed that although I’m not logged on to your site, the comment section shows like I’m logged in. ๐Ÿ˜• How did you do that?

  9. Thats part of the theme. I haven’t really look into the code as to how this is created. I plan to grab that code once I get my new theme up and running.

  10. Nice looking blog designs. I like the last 2 designs. I think your style is more like of dark or goth type.


  1. BloggerLUV says:

    I created some new logo banners for Evolutionary Designs…

    I am not a logo designer, but I am taking some design classes. Take a look and let me know what you think of the banner…

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