What is Famous Bloggers

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Famous Bloggers Rocks Over the last few months, I have mentioned Famous Bloggers through several different articles or mentioned articles that I have written for them. Well today, I want to talk about Famous Bloggers and what exactly the site is and what they can do for you.

What is Famous Bloggers

Famous Bloggers is multi-author blog that was created by Hesahm Zebida with the idea to help bloggers Make Money Online through the help of seasoned and new bloggers from across the world. Hesham has build the site  to be a safe and fun atmosphere for all those that wish to learn more about SEO, Marketing, Building Traffic, Design, Social Networking, and Making Money Online! The Famous Bloggers project is a way for bloggers of every niche to spend a few minutes a day reading about Making Money Online news, tips and resources to help them build a better a blog. For more information about their policies, please their Famous Bloggers Policy and about page.

What Can Famous Bloggers Do For You?

Famous Bloggers has many benefits for bloggers of every niche, online marketers and those that are trying to learn more about social media. The most important part of Famous Bloggers is that you learn something new every time you visit the site. All you have to do is read the articles and comment on those articles if you have questions, remarks or opposing thoughts on the topic make a comment. We love debates, so go ahead stir things up! Just remember, there are no bad or stupid questions, we are hear to learn. If someone does make a bad comment, we will deal with them.

Famous Bloggers not only offers great articles for the blogger, it also allows guest bloggers and has a killer list of experienced and new staff writers. Everyday you can find at least one new article to help you blog better. If we are lucky we might even get an extra article later in the day!

Guest Posting, Why is This So Important?

Guest posting is important because it makes you more visible. Choosing a site like Famous Bloggers, is a great place to show off your skills and is an easy way to introduce yourself to new potential readers to your site. The more you write for Famous Bloggers and other high traffic sites, you will build trust and influence. This will then lead to more traffic and returning visitors reading your articles.

Reasons to guest write are;

  • More visibility
  • Networking
  • Linkbuilding naturally
  • Traffic building

What Famous Bloggers Means to Me

To me, FamousBloggers.net is a social network of like minded bloggers looking to help, learn, network, and add to the Famous Bloggers blog. In general this site has helped with a large portion of how I use social media and the knowledge of online marketing and how to better perform offsite-SEO and link building campaigns. I recently met Hesham in person just a few months ago and we talk on the phone a lot, and run ideas and issues we have about our sites by each all the time. Now that I am a staff writer for Famous Bloggers, I feel even more part of the site and have the feeling that I own  part of the site (I don’t any part, just a feeling) and if I have issues with the site or I do not like some aspect of how the site works, I let him know and a we work it out and figure out how we can make it better for everyone.

Thanks Hesham, you rock!

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About James

James spends most of his free time using social media and loves to teach others about design, web development, CSS, SEO, and social media. He is addicted to Wordpress, social media, and technology. You can reach him on his, personal website, Do not forget to follow him on Twitter @element321


  1. Hi James,

    I have learned a great deal about generating an online income, SEO, and working at home since I began to read Famous Bloggers.

    The network of guest posters most impresses me. Hesahm generously opens up his virtual real estate to scores of aspiring and established bloggers. It’s one of the larger communities on the web.

    Thanks for sharing your experience with Famous Bloggers 🙂

    Ryan Biddulph

    • I agree, I learned much of what I know from Hesham and Famous Bloggers. His site is a great resources and I want to spread the word about his site!

  2. Hi James,
    Though I have been visiting Famous Bloggers recently, I didn’t knew much about the Famous Bloggers club. Thanks for explaining what is it, the benefits from it and relating them with your experience.

    • Yeah, those that I mentioned are just a few of the benefits of Famous Bloggers. I get a ton of traffic from the site now. Just spend some time on the site and start writing more articles for Hesham, you will get the traffic.

      I need to actually start writing more for Famous Bloggers, just need to make more time for it…

  3. I have visited Famous Bloggers a few times when I was searching for blogs, their site looks to be the best in guest writing and I see a few familiar faces that have made posts to other sites. Well, in an artist’s point of view, I love how they layout each guest post with the author bio standing out which gives really good exposure for the blogger.

    Congrats on being Staff Writer! 🙂

    • Thanks Cindy,

      Yeah, I like his them. Hesham, has done almost all of the design and coding for theme. It uses the Thesis Theme Framework.

      You should do some design articles on there. I am starting to line up a few that I plan to post on there. Hesham is wanting more design posts, but there isn’t many designers posting there yet.

  4. I love Famous Bloggers too! It is such a great site!

    • I agree, I love it. Its one of my favorite places to stop by and read daily. even when I don’t have time to comment, I stop and read, I eventually go back and comment on most of the articles…

  5. I can’t wait to have my first article published over at FB. It seems like a great place, and once I see the benefits of my first article, I am sure to write plenty more.

    • Can’t wait. Hes got a long line of articles, he told me yesterday, that he might have to post 2 or 3 posts a day just get caught up on the posts.

  6. Famous Bloggers is great, I only recently discovered it and check back daily, in fact I discovered your site from the guest post you did there.

    • Thanks for stopping by then =) See guest posting really does give sites exposure! Just keep commenting and writing good articles and you will see the benefits of Famous Bloggers.

  7. It is such a great site full of information for both a beginner blogger and an experienced one. Hesham’s a wonderful guy, and you can’t ask for better support behind you when you guest post on FB.

    What I like best is that FB consistently has great content added on a daily basis. The vast array of contributors with different backgrounds makes it such a valuable information source with multiple viewpoints.

    The fact that he has a backlog of great articles says a lot. People want to contribute to the site, and I think he does an excellent job in making you feel that you are an important part of the site, whether you are a writer or just commenting.

    • I agree, hes a great guy and has done a lot for the community. His site rocks and the backlog does show how busy and successful the site is…

  8. What a great tribute for Hesham. He deserves all the credit for creating such a wonderful community while at the same time educating others who wishes to enter the online business niche. You are a lucky man having met with “the man” face to face 🙂 thumbs up and it is great to also be part of the famous bloggers staff.

    • So true. Hesham deserves a lot of credit for what he does. His site is helpful and so is he…Being a staff member, has a lot of benefits and soon to have more.

  9. Hi James, everyone has a great story to tell about Hesham. I don’t think there is a blogger around that doesn’t want to be his friend. He truly does make you feel at home when you write for Famous Bloggers. I’m overdue for a guest post there but now I see that I will be waiting in line to get published, so I better make it good. 🙂

  10. This looks like a community that I need to be a part of. I can surely share some of my knowledge and experience on FB. From a cursory look at the site, I can see that it is a great resource for everyone in the blogging world.

    • This site is for everyone and it works for almost every niche. Hesham want everyone to share their experiences blogging and making money online.

  11. I agree, guest posting is important. It can expose you to a brand-new community (and in some cases a larger audience too.) I’ve done that with a few of my older websites, and have even invited guest bloggers to post on my site too. I really enjoy introducing my readers to people they might not have “met” before. 🙂

    I was on the Famous Bloggers website a few days ago, there’s a lot of informative information there, and I’ve added it to my RSS feed. I even added bloggers (such as yourself) to my RSS feed.

    It’s most likely not a place I would consider guest posting since I don’t articles on what I mainly write about; health, nutrition, and fitness, however, I will pass it on to friends that do.


  1. […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Ryan Biddulph, Wayne Farley. Wayne Farley said: RT @element321: What is Famous Bloggers http://bt.io/Fh16 […]

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  4. What is Famous Bloggers…

    Famous Bloggers is a multi-authored blog that in allows guest writers to write about blogging, SEO, making money online, social media, and design….

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