Guest Post: Using CommentLuv To Build Traffic

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Famous Bloggers & ComLuv Contest

Every website owners loves getting traffic, the more the better. One of the best ways to get new traffic is to build backlinks through commenting on other sites in your site’s niche. To take avantage of commenting you need have something to offer readers to visit your site. One way to help get more people to click on your link back to your site is to comment on sites that use CommentLuv. ComLuv is a plugin that adds a second backlink to your site. The cool part is, it doens’t just take you back to the main page, the plugin gives you the option of you choosing ten of your newest posts.

Depending on how you use ComLuv, this can be a powerful tool to help drive traffic to your site through comments and marketing your articles.  To learn how you can use CommentLuv to market your blog, check out my guest post over at CommentLuv.

Famous Bloggers and ComLuv Network Contest

Looking to make some cash? Currently Famous Bloggers and ComLuv have teamed up to build one of largest blogging contest ever designed in the blogging community. Its not to late, you have until Wednesday July 13, 2010 to get your articles submitted to Famous Bloggers or to ComLuv. As of right now, there will be twenty winners and the price range from $100 to $750.  For more information and submit your artilces check out the offical contest post over at ComLuv.

Contest Sponsors

This is the FamousBloggers ComLuv Contest Sponsors, feel free to check them out, also check the Online Contest page for more information. Special thank to Gail our Social Media Marketing Strategist for the great work.


The ComLuv Network

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$50 Sponsors runs on the Genesis Framework

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Genesis empowers you to quickly and easily build incredible websites with WordPress. Whether you're a novice or advanced developer, Genesis provides the secure and search-engine-optimized foundation that takes WordPress to places you never thought it could go. It's that simple - start using Genesis now!

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About James

James spends most of his free time using social media and loves to teach others about design, web development, CSS, SEO, and social media. He is addicted to Wordpress, social media, and technology. You can reach him on his, personal website, Do not forget to follow him on Twitter @element321


  1. I find the inovation and enginuity a lot of fun and inspirational. This is a great use of commenting to form community and create a buzz in the industry. Kudoes Commentluv!

  2. I just signed up for CommentLuv yesterday and love it already. It sure does invite and encourage quality readers to visit your site as well as build a solid community of interesting people, and filter away unwanted spammers. Thanks for spreading the word with this article.

    • Yeah CommentLuv is a great tool. Take some time learning how to use it. Once you get use to it and you find more sites that use it you should start seeing an increase in traffic. This tool works best if you comment on sites that specific to your niche…

  3. I agree. By leaving more post links back to your site, you give the readers more options and they will see what kind stuff you write about. I to sometimes leave them at random. Some I forget to follow this strategy as well…

    • Hi,

      Sometimes I forget as well. Usually its when I am first starting out reading my blogs for the day or I am in a middle of a good comment debate I will let it go randomally or forget to enable ComLuv all together.

  4. Your point under CommentLuv Strategy 2 is something you’re probably right about – I tend to just post the same link over and over even while hitting the same blogs (sometimes even the same post).

    My rationale behind that is “I’d really like people to read that post,” actually. But it probably makes more sense to mix things up.

  5. I think I am going to add which link I left to the spreadsheet I am starting of where I put comments. Then I can track the results better and will be more conscious about what links I leave.

    Good luck in the contest

  6. Commentluv is definitely a great way to get keyword anchored links pointing back at your posts. Plus, if you register on their website, you can pick from the most relevant of your last ten posts. How cool is that?

  7. really love comment love plugin 😀


  1. […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Element321. Element321 said: Guest Post: Using CommentLuv To Build Traffic: Every website owners loves getting traffic, the more the better. On… […]

  2. […] -Building Traffic Through CommentLuv by James Johnston @element321 and his post about our blogging contest.23 -3 Important Skills for a Blog Commentator by Agent Deepak @AgentDeepak as his second entry and […]

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