How to create Twitter Lists Through Hootsuite

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Since Twitter Lists came out, I have been toying with the idea of setting up some lists. Of course, I am set in my ways, when it comes to twitter, and was a little hesitant to jump right in without researching. Before setting up Twitter Lists, I only had my basic Hootsuite groups and column setup when I was at work or on a guest machine. At first I really did not see a need for the lists and did not want to spend the time on the twitter page setting up the lists. So I decided that I would figure out who I wanted to put into the lists and what types of lists to create. Once I figured that out, I decided to wait for Hootsuite to add this feature to their client. Not only did they add this feature, they also set it up so you can create lists from the client!

After getting annoyed at how fast my twitter feed was refreshing today. I finally made the time to play with the list settings and create several lists. They are very easy to create and configure. The longest part of the setup is adding those you want to follow closely.

Configuring The Lists

Step 1:
In the top right hand corner about the same level as your stats and settings tabs are, click on the add column. This will open up the add column window. Once opened, this is where you would setup and configure Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter List, and other twitter stream options.

hootsuite screenshot

Step 2:
Click on the Twitter List tab.

Step 3:
In the main part of the New Column, toward the bottom, select the add new list.

hootsuite screenshot

Then enter the name of the new list in the first text entry field. This field will also be the link to twitter where the list can be found. Make sure to pick something that relates to the people you want to add to the list. An example would be to create a list for the bloggers you engage with. It would be named bloggers. In the next field you can enter in the description of the list. Then click create column.

hootsuite printscreen

Step 4:
After the list is created, scroll through the columns and move the column to where you want it.

hootsuite printscreen

Step 5:
Now that you have your new column placed, you are now ready to add users to the list. Click on the users name from the twitter stream, it should then bring up their user profile. At the bottom left corner, click on the add to list. This will bring up a new screen called add to list. If you have multiple lists setup, click the drop down window and select the list you want to add the user to. Then click the save button.

hootsuite screenshot
Step 6.
Go back to your new list column and refresh it. You should now have the latest tweets from that user. After testing, you can now add more users to the list.


I find it easier to create new lists, and add new users to those lists than using twitter. If you have large lists, you can wait to add users to list as they come down your stream. runs on the Genesis Framework

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About James

James spends most of his free time using social media and loves to teach others about design, web development, CSS, SEO, and social media. He is addicted to Wordpress, social media, and technology. You can reach him on his, personal website, Do not forget to follow him on Twitter @element321


  1. I am not the biggest fan of Hootsuite (probably because I rarely use it even though I have an acct) but I like that I have been able to do this on Tweetdeck for a long time using groups, I guess I just don't get the concept of the lists with twitter even though I created a few and follow some (I think I am listed in some too).
    My recent post Add Multiple Feeds to Facebook Fan Page

    • Yea you are. I am listed a couple times as well. Groups and Lists work about the same if you are on Twitter client. But on the web or using a different client your groups arent there, where as list can be found any client once you set it up. What I like about lists is I can go to a user's bio page select their lists, and if they have a good list I can follow the list instead of each individual user. If I like the users from the list I will then follow them.
      My recent post 10 Best Tutorials To Learn CSS3

  2. HootSuite is my favorite Twitter app. I used to have a HootSuite Group, that I monitor in the 4th column on my page. When I heard they were phasing out groups I figured it didn't make sense to wait. So I converted the group into a private list called my HootSuite group. I keep most of my favorite Blog Engagers in that list and it works out great. I think I better put you in that HootSuite group list now before I forget (say that 3 times fast, lol).
    Thanks for the post.
    My recent post Say Goodbye to Family, Friends and A Good Night’s Sleep!

  3. Well.. some nice info pack here. I don't know why, but I still don't use lists that much to implement it in Hootsuite. I think that was a good idea for you to write about ideas for twitter lists 🙂

    PS. You have some excellent comment form down here. Commentluv, intensedebate, spelling checker.. 🙂
    My recent post The Value of «Play» Factor in Blogging

  4. I guess the ideas been bit 'things to know' type for me. I'm very new to twitter and still needs to explore more on it. Your article is a great aid on this direction.
    My recent post Do I need permission to link to other websites in my post?

  5. Nice write up. I like HootSuite, TweetDeck and TweetGlide (I wrote about Glide on my site). I hope you don't mind me dropping a link but you may find this article interesting. It is about how Twitter lists can be (potentially) abused


    My recent post Are You Sending Conflicting Messages?

  6. dan_keller says

    Cool examples. I love the one with the dude with his head in the toilet and Site Sketch's is great too. I must admit I have not found the time to do this yet for my blogs but the way you break it down it does not seem to difficult.
    My recent post If Content and Promotion are not King – what is?

  7. Haha, awesome pictures man!
    Yeah though, I probably need to do something about my custom 404 page, I've just been lazy and too busy doing everything else. lol



  1. How to create Twitter Lists Through Hootsuite | Evolutionary Designs…

    Since Twitter Lists came out, I have been toying with the idea of setting up some lists. After getting annoyed at how fast my twitter feed was refreshing. I finally made the time to play with the list settings and create several lists. They are very ea…

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  3. How to create Twitter Lists Through Hootsuite | Evolutionary Designs: Since Twitter Lists came out, I have been toying

  4. How to create Twitter Lists Through Hootsuite…

    Since Twitter Lists came out, I have been toying with the idea of setting up some lists. How to create a Twitter list through Hootsuite….

  5. Element321 says:

    RT @element321 How to create Twitter Lists Through Hootsuite

  6. Keith says:

    RT @element321 How to create Twitter Lists Through Hootsuite

  7. FAQPAL Blog says:

    […] #7 – How to create Twitter Lists Through Hootsuite […]

  8. […] How to create Twitter Lists Through Hootsuite | Evolutionary Designs […]

  9. […] Please check out my post on How to Create and Add Users to Twitter Lists. […]

  10. Si aún no lo hacéis: How to create Twitter Lists Through #Hootsuite

  11. +1 RT @edgar_sanchez: Si aún no lo hacéis: How to create Twitter Lists Through #Hootsuite

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